AFP: Morocco's king invested in troubled Macau firm

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Morocco's king invested in troubled Macau firm: report
(AFP) – 9 hours ago

HONG KONG — Morocco's King Mohammed VI is among a number of investors embroiled in a bitter financial restructuring of a loss-making Macau casino and hotel firm, a report said Tuesday.

The king is one of about 20 wealthy people who were sold a 400 million dollar stake in Macau Legend, the South China Morning Post cited sources as saying.

The investors, who bought the stake from investment bank Merrill Lynch in 2006, anticipated a quick profit from a listing of the Fisherman's Wharf theme park on the Hong Kong stock exchange earlier this year, the report said. But the listing never happened.

The list of those who lost out also includes David Ross, co-founder of Carphone Warehouse, Britain's largest mobile phone retailer, and a group of hedge funds.

The Wharf, a tourist attraction next to the Macau ferry terminal with its signature giant man-made volcano, was owned jointly by Macau Legend and the city's gaming tycoon Stanley Ho. But it has been losing money since it opened in 2005, sources told the Post.

The investors, who have failed to agree on a compensation deal with David Chow, owner of Macau Legend and a lawmaker in the gaming enclave, last week held a four-hour conference call to discuss the next step, the Post said.

Some of the investors considered seizing control of the theme park or its Babylon Casino next door.

Chow offered in April to buy his preference shareholders' stake in the company for 200 million dollars, but he missed a June deadline to pay the money. He returned to his investors last month with a 100 million dollar offer, which was rejected.
Morocco's king invested in troubled Macau firm: report
(AFP) – 9 hours ago

HONG KONG — Morocco's King Mohammed VI is among a number of investors embroiled in a bitter financial restructuring of a loss-making Macau casino and hotel firm, a report said Tuesday.

The king is one of about 20 wealthy people who were sold a 400 million dollar stake in Macau Legend, the South China Morning Post cited sources as saying.

The investors, who bought the stake from investment bank Merrill Lynch in 2006, anticipated a quick profit from a listing of the Fisherman's Wharf theme park on the Hong Kong stock exchange earlier this year, the report said. But the listing never happened.

The list of those who lost out also includes David Ross, co-founder of Carphone Warehouse, Britain's largest mobile phone retailer, and a group of hedge funds.

The Wharf, a tourist attraction next to the Macau ferry terminal with its signature giant man-made volcano, was owned jointly by Macau Legend and the city's gaming tycoon Stanley Ho. But it has been losing money since it opened in 2005, sources told the Post.

The investors, who have failed to agree on a compensation deal with David Chow, owner of Macau Legend and a lawmaker in the gaming enclave, last week held a four-hour conference call to discuss the next step, the Post said.

Some of the investors considered seizing control of the theme park or its Babylon Casino next door.

Chow offered in April to buy his preference shareholders' stake in the company for 200 million dollars, but he missed a June deadline to pay the money. He returned to his investors last month with a 100 million dollar offer, which was rejected.

Majidi a du soucis à se faire !!!!
Morocco's king invested in troubled Macau firm: report
(AFP) – 9 hours ago

HONG KONG — Morocco's King Mohammed VI is among a number of investors embroiled in a bitter financial restructuring of a loss-making Macau casino and hotel firm, a report said Tuesday.

The king is one of about 20 wealthy people who were sold a 400 million dollar stake in Macau Legend, the South China Morning Post cited sources as saying.

The investors, who bought the stake from investment bank Merrill Lynch in 2006, anticipated a quick profit from a listing of the Fisherman's Wharf theme park on the Hong Kong stock exchange earlier this year, the report said. But the listing never happened.

The list of those who lost out also includes David Ross, co-founder of Carphone Warehouse, Britain's largest mobile phone retailer, and a group of hedge funds.

The Wharf, a tourist attraction next to the Macau ferry terminal with its signature giant man-made volcano, was owned jointly by Macau Legend and the city's gaming tycoon Stanley Ho. But it has been losing money since it opened in 2005, sources told the Post.

The investors, who have failed to agree on a compensation deal with David Chow, owner of Macau Legend and a lawmaker in the gaming enclave, last week held a four-hour conference call to discuss the next step, the Post said.

Some of the investors considered seizing control of the theme park or its Babylon Casino next door.

Chow offered in April to buy his preference shareholders' stake in the company for 200 million dollars, but he missed a June deadline to pay the money. He returned to his investors last month with a 100 million dollar offer, which was rejected.

hahahahaa ..... Vous avez besoin de ça pour vous rendre compte de l'énorme supercherie dans lequel les marocains vivent perpétuellement ....

Comme dirait kassovitz heu ... pardon goebels, plus c'est gros plus ça passe !
c'est moyen la inconnu652000 !!

Oui c'est moyen c'est vrai mais j'en ai marre qu'on puisse pas dire les choses directement.

On tourne toujours autour du pot dans les débats sans allez au fond de ce qui ne vas pas ... Je viens encore de voir que des journaux ont été interdit au maroc !

Tu trouves ça normal franchement. Il y a tellement de choses simples qu'on pourrait faire pour que le Maroc aille mieux ... ***** quoi on est pas des criminels parce qu'on exprime un ras le bol ? si ?
Non je suis d'accord avec toi que le Maroc prend un virage dangereux avec l'attitude que le Maroc a avec une certaine presse .
Politiquement le Maroc n'existe plus depuis la Creation du PAM , on a un gouvernement de facades , un premier ministre inexistant .
Les majorites gouvernementales se creent et se defont enfin bref pas tres reluisant tout ca .
Les gens qui doivent faire avancer le Maroc ne sont pas dans ce gouvernement , on a des que mre9iyas .

Malheureusement c'est de pire en pire, je pense que toute personne sachant lire et étant un minimum instruite sait bien que ce titre de commandeur des croyants n'est qu'une vaste duperie, endormir les ignorants.

A voir toute la prostitution dans toutes les grandes villes du Royaume, l'éclatement des valeurs familiales, malheureusement le pays se désislamise doucement et surement.

Le roi doit arrêter cette politique et revenir aux fondements de l'islam tout en restant éloigné des idéologies wahabites, développer des banques islamiques, développer l'agriculture, la pêche sans laisser les européens et japonais pêcher sur nos côtes, ne pas gracier les criminels ou pédophiles(qu'ils soient marocains ou européens), combattre la corruption, combattre le tourisme sexuel, rendez-vous compte, nous sommes le seul pays arabe avec la Mauritanie à être citée comme destination privilégiée pour le tourisme sexuel

Jusqu'a quand fermer les yeux ? Il est tant que le roi réagisse car à force de tirer sur la corde, il finira par tout perdre et finalement les marocains aussi perdront car on risque de vivre les années noires qu'a vécu l'Algérie avant nous.

Malheureusement c'est de pire en pire, je pense que toute personne sachant lire et étant un minimum instruite sait bien que ce titre de commandeur des croyants n'est qu'une vaste duperie, endormir les ignorants.

A voir toute la prostitution dans toutes les grandes villes du Royaume, l'éclatement des valeurs familiales, malheureusement le pays se désislamise doucement et surement.

Le roi doit arrêter cette politique et revenir aux fondements de l'islam tout en restant éloigné des idéologies wahabites, développer des banques islamiques, développer l'agriculture, la pêche sans laisser les européens et japonais pêcher sur nos côtes, ne pas gracier les criminels ou pédophiles(qu'ils soient marocains ou européens), combattre la corruption, combattre le tourisme sexuel, rendez-vous compte, nous sommes le seul pays arabe avec la Mauritanie à être citée comme destination privilégiée pour le tourisme sexuel

Jusqu'a quand fermer les yeux ? Il est tant que le roi réagisse car à force de tirer sur la corde, il finira par tout perdre et finalement les marocains aussi perdront car on risque de vivre les années noires qu'a vécu l'Algérie avant nous.

C'est clair !! Tout le monde sait ça !! Ok MAINTENANT ON FAIT QUOI ??? On s'****le ??

Comment faire pour pousser les dirigeants a développer le pays réellement au lieu de mesurettes à la noix (genre on accueille les retraités français !! pffff quelle misère !)
C'est clair !! Tout le monde sait ça !! Ok MAINTENANT ON FAIT QUOI ??? On s'****le ??

Comment faire pour pousser les dirigeants a développer le pays réellement au lieu de mesurettes à la noix (genre on accueille les retraités français !! pffff quelle misère !)

Et surtout les pousser à partir ....

Comment leur dire bon monsieurs vous êtes des cancres rentrer chez vous ??
la companie SIGER (qui gere le patrimoine royal) qui vient d'annoncer qu'elle se retire de la firme de Macau:
Morocco's Siger says pulled out of Macau
Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:49am EDT Email | Print | Share | Reprints | Single Page [-] Text [+]
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RABAT, Oct 28 (Reuters) - Morocco's Siger, which controls the country's biggest conglomerate ONA (ONA.CS), said on Wednesday it had pulled its investment out of an overseas fund after finding out it had invested in a Macau gambling firm.

Siger, which manages the Moroccan royal family's wealth, cited its charter of ethics as the reason for withdrawing its investment from a casino and hotel firm in Macau-- the world's fastest-growing gaming hub.

Siger issued the rare statement in reaction to a report in the South China Morning Post newspaper which on Tuesday named Morocco's King Mohamed as one of several wealthy investors embroiled in a financial restructuring of loss-making casino and hotel firm Macau Legend.

The newspaper said some 20 wealthy people were sold a $400 million stake in Legend on the assumption they would turn a quick profit from the listing of its subsidiary Fisherman's Wharf theme park on the Hong Kong stock market.

"Because of the incompatibility of this investment with its charter of ethics, Siger had decided in December 2008 to end the mandate of (the fund) manager and had communicated strictly at that date its intention to pull out of this investment," Siger said in the statement.

The gambling investment was part of a placement in a "real estate and hotel industry international fund" aimed at diversifying its investments, it added.

The statement did not mention any loss or other financial problem from the investment move and the subsequent withdrawal.

"It turned out later that this fund has an investment in a project in Asia which includes in its components a gaming infrastructure," it said without naming Macau Legend and its Wharf affiliate.

But industry sources told Reuters the investment involved Macau Legend and its Wharf tourist attraction park subsidiary.

King Mohammed is the only Muslim leader who has the role of head of state and Amir al Mouminine (commander of the faithful) which includes among his responsibilities the protection of the Islamic faith and spiritual security of his fellow citizens.

Islamic Sharia law bans investment in the gambling industry, which is regarded as un-Islamic. (Reporting by Lamine Ghanmi; Editing by Greg Mahlich)
la companie SIGER (qui gere le patrimoine royal) qui vient d'annoncer qu'elle se retire de la firme de Macau:
Morocco's Siger says pulled out of Macau
Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:49am EDT Email | Print | Share | Reprints | Single Page [-] Text [+]
Stock futures signal rebound on Wall Street | Video
Global stocks hit three-week low on recovery jitters | Video
U.S. economy likely grew in latest quarter
More Business & Investing News...
RABAT, Oct 28 (Reuters) - Morocco's Siger, which controls the country's biggest conglomerate ONA (ONA.CS), said on Wednesday it had pulled its investment out of an overseas fund after finding out it had invested in a Macau gambling firm.

Siger, which manages the Moroccan royal family's wealth, cited its charter of ethics as the reason for withdrawing its investment from a casino and hotel firm in Macau-- the world's fastest-growing gaming hub.

Siger issued the rare statement in reaction to a report in the South China Morning Post newspaper which on Tuesday named Morocco's King Mohamed as one of several wealthy investors embroiled in a financial restructuring of loss-making casino and hotel firm Macau Legend.

The newspaper said some 20 wealthy people were sold a $400 million stake in Legend on the assumption they would turn a quick profit from the listing of its subsidiary Fisherman's Wharf theme park on the Hong Kong stock market.

"Because of the incompatibility of this investment with its charter of ethics(oh La belle boulette!:rolleyes:), Siger had decided in December 2008 to end the mandate of (the fund) manager and had communicated strictly at that date its intention to pull out of this investment," Siger said in the statement.

The gambling investment was part of a placement in a "real estate and hotel industry international fund" aimed at diversifying its investments, it added.

The statement did not mention any loss or other financial problem from the investment move and the subsequent withdrawal.

"It turned out later that this fund has an investment in a project in Asia which includes in its components a gaming infrastructure," it said without naming Macau Legend and its Wharf affiliate.

But industry sources told Reuters the investment involved Macau Legend and its Wharf tourist attraction park subsidiary.

King Mohammed is the only Muslim leader who has the role of head of state and Amir al Mouminine (commander of the faithful) which includes among his responsibilities the protection of the Islamic faith and spiritual security of his fellow citizens.

Islamic Sharia law bans investment in the gambling industry, which is regarded as un-Islamic. (Reporting by Lamine Ghanmi; Editing by Greg Mahlich)

which means that...:D

mes previsions meteorologiques me disent que les pc marocains n'auront plus le droit de visualiser la page de reuters dans peu de temps, j'ai l'impression que le maroc s'enfonce tout doucement dans la boue...