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Comment on trouve son profil mbti ?

Dernière édition:

Dernière édition:
vice versa 2 film a medité ...

"je suis quelqu'un de bien "
"je ne suis pas assé bon "

Dernière édition:
Dernière édition:

du pure genie

Sitting alone in her room with a pale light, Thoughts racing wild, and everything feels tight,
A new piercing, hoping it sets things right, Laugh through the tears, it's our quiet fight,
In this world pierced by all this pain, We dance with shadows, embracing the rain.
Sad for being happy, happy for being sad Emo girls so beautiful, so fragile, so mad
Always with that sweet steel piercing pain in their hearts
Dancing in the shadows, playing tragic parts

Every tear drop falls in a silent room, Mirror reflections in the heart's own gloom,
Weighed down by the whispers, hearts assume, Suffering or joy, what lights this doom?
Why the poet cries, we might never know, Sweet angels of darkness, guiding with their glow.
Wondering if a new piercing can take away the pain
In a world full of needles that leave us feeling insane
They say they are weird, these deep emotions they sustain
But they laugh when they are sad, paradoxes on repeat
Emo girls, new romantics, with their sweet heart beat
Sad for being happy, happy for being sad Emo girls so beautiful, so fragile, so mad
Always with that sweet steel piercing pain in their hearts
Dancing in the shadows, playing tragic parts

they love in the darkness; they find light in despair
In the depths of their sadness, a kind of beauty rare
Sweet angels of twilight, forever they remain
Shining through the sorrow, blood ties that sustain
Emo girls in their room tonight Piercing hearts that bleed in moonlight
Alone they whisper to the stars Wonder if this pain will scar
They laugh with tears within their eyes New romantics, angels who fly
Sad for being happy, happy for being sad Emo girls so beautiful, so fragile, so mad
Always with that sweet steel piercing pain in their hearts
Dancing in the shadows, playing tragic parts

Why do poets weep in this era? Emo girls, mysteries like chimera
Love you in this darkened time Sweet angels, hear their rhyme
With every tear, they paint a story Beauty in the chaos, finding their glory
In the darkness, they shine so bright Emo girls transform the night
Sad for being happy, happy for being sad Emo girls so beautiful, so fragile, so mad
Always with that sweet steel piercing pain in their hearts
Dancing in the shadows, playing tragic parts

Mirrors reflect fears But still, they dance
In this darkness, they find romance A heart of glass
Cracked and stained Yet in the shadows, they remain
Sad for being happy, happy for being sad Emo girls so beautiful, so fragile, so mad
Always with that sweet steel piercing pain in their hearts
Dancing in the shadows, playing tragic parts
Dernière édition:
style gothique baroque
Dernière édition:
Dernière édition:

origine de l eneagrame = enneade

voir video a partir de 1h20

Tes sujet sont trop chargés en posts en infos, il faut les lire pendant 1 semaine avant de pouvoir te répondre

tu n'es pas obliger de tout lire pour repondre
moi meme je serai incapable de tout lire
tu dois juste balayé l'information et voir si quelque chose t'interpelle et repondre si tu en a envie ...

nous n'avons pas la meme facon de traité l'information
je ne traite pas l'information de facon lineaire mais global

exemple en ce moment je m'interesse a l'image du soleil des saison etc ...
et voir comme cette image peut servir de model
d'où mon dernier poste
raison pour laquel meme si tu lis tu ne pourra pas comprendre pourquoi je poste un pub d'invictus
ce qui relie l'ensemble c l'image du soleil et ce qui tourne autour :

exemple le gars prend les jours de la semaine est en fait un model de personalité une typologie :
Dernière édition: