Devant le Parlement, le Roi remercie solennellement la France et le président Macron

On that Friday December 2020 I woke up and read the tweet. I read it again. Donald's tweet.
We are now Friday in 2024. I woke up and I read the speech. The King's speech. Al Alaoui. I read it again.

1975. History In The Making.

I Was Barely 10 Years Old Not Too Far From Where King Hassan Announced The Green March
In The Imperial Marrakesh

I was a little boy and my dad tells me. "Take a look little Saint John. Your Uncle"
Yes my uncle was planting the Moroccan Flag for the first time In Our Sahara. On TV.
Uncle Kader did the war from the get go and died peacefully in Agadir. The Atlantic.
Smerto les tawas ...

"A ce propos, Nous tenons à saluer les efforts déployés par la diplomatie nationale, les différentes institutions concernées, les forces vives de la Nation et par tous les Marocains au patriotisme sincère et authentique, à l’intérieur du pays comme à l’étranger, pour défendre les intérêts légitimes de leur Patrie et déjouer les machinations des ennemis."

الحق يعلو ولا يعلى عليه..الملك محمد السادس يشيد باعتراف فرنسا بمغربية الصحراء​

To me it sounds like a disguised VICTORY speech. Subtle. ....

Its is Human Nature. Humans love winners. Losers? Nope. Sore Losers? Forget It.

The Affair Of The Century. 50 Years And Counting. The Biggest Game In North Africa.
The Karghouli Is In Agony. So Naturally More And More Countries Will Flock Toward The Winner.

Los Angeles Success GIF

The Sore Loser Is A "Manboud". Like A Disease. Folks Want To Say Clear Of A Sore Loser.

By the way, The Karghouli Is No Strange To Losing. It Is His Destiny. Throughout History.
Used And Abused For Centuries. Them Turks Had A Lot Fun. The Frogs Followed.

Smerto les tawas ...

"A ce propos, Nous tenons à saluer les efforts déployés par la diplomatie nationale, les différentes institutions concernées, les forces vives de la Nation et par tous les Marocains au patriotisme sincère et authentique, à l’intérieur du pays comme à l’étranger, pour défendre les intérêts légitimes de leur Patrie et déjouer les machinations des ennemis."
smarto Meziane ..première cause nationale.

"Il M’est agréable, en ouverture de la présente année législative, de M’adresser à vous, et, à travers votre assemblée, aux différentes instances, aux diverses institutions, ainsi qu’à la communauté des citoyens, pour évoquer les derniers développements de l’affaire du Sahara Marocain, considérée par tous les Marocains comme leur première Cause nationale."

الملك محمد السادس يلقي خطاب النصر و يعلن العزاء فورا في الشيراتون الجزائري​

PS: Hatim also speaks to the Tawa Tawa.

Why do you guys bother with the Tawa Tawa? Every country has his idiots.
The Victor.

He Did Well. He Buried The Karghouli.

He Did Give The Harki A Chance To Sit Down And Talk.
There is that. So let's not forget it.

Now We Have To Kill It. Take No Prisoners. Your Majesty. FINISH IT.
Omar Oueld Bihi Lay Rahmo.

Bihi was a friend of the family. He worked for Grandma saved his money and
bought a nice farm in Targua not too far from Marrakesh. We used to go there.
Cows. Chickens. Rabbits. Apricots. Zeytoune ... Bihi did just fine. Sometimes
they would warm up the Hammam for me and my sisters. WOOD.
I used to like the Batbot and the fresh butter ....

Omar Was Happy And All Smiles. Good For Him.

Omar is Bihi's oldest son. He joined the Green March. When he came back he stopped
at our house. He looked happy. He was smiling. La Karima kept asking him questions.
La Karima was impressed ... I was too little but I was listening .... I was intrigued.
Everyone was talking about King Hassan's Green March. EVERYONE
Aunt Aalia Leaves The Imperial Marrakesh, Goes To Rabat And Meets The Crown Prince Mohammed Son Of King Hassan.

Aaunt Aaalia who is my grandmother''s sister went to Rabat and stayed
with one of her sons. The room where she stays is a very nice room.
It is on the first floor. It is quite big. Large outside doors open to a very nice
garden. The garden is huge .... Beautiful guestroom.

For me it was convenient I would seak out and have a smoke. Ssshhhh.

Her son is in the finance sector. A big shot. .... Aunt Aaalia came back
and told us how the Crown Prince Mohammed showed up for a business
dinner at her son's house. Her son had invited some big investors from
Saudi Arabia .... A late phone call came in from the Royal Palace.

"Make Way. The Crown Prince Will Be Attending The Dinner."

Freak Out Panic GIF


I ask again. Did you really think the Makhzen will let you take the
Atlantic from ME?

I ask again. Did you really think the Makhzen will let you take the
Atlantic from ME?
Guerguarate Revisited.

What happened there Karghouli? I will tell you what happened. The Makhzen Happened.

You Are No Match. You Are No Daisy. This Is The End Of The Road For You.

<<Redneck and a hillbilly are strolling along a country lane, talking about the Garden of Eden.The redneck, drinking whiskey as he walks believes that Adam and Eve had every right to take that apple for, if God were kind why would he forbid them from partaking in that delicious fruit? The hillbilly listens and nods. Then the redneck finishes the bottle and throws it onto the path. When the hillbilly frowns the redneck says, “Judge not, lest ye be judged”. When the hillbilly frowns again, redneck says, “You judge doubly, you sin twice”. Whereupon God smites the redneck Dead. Hillbilly forever silent and diligent digs the redneck's grave fashions a humble tombstone from the empty bottle, and walks on. That eve he witnesses the Most Beautiful Sunset ever fore made>>>