Echecs massifs au nouvel examen de citoyenneté

  • Initiateur de la discussion Initiateur de la discussion sidlhaj
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article en anglais

OTTAWA—Failure rates for immigrants writing citizenship tests have soared since the spring, when tougher questions and revamped rules made it harder for newcomers to become Canadian.

The new test, introduced March 15, was based on a bulked-up citizenship guide released a year ago to give immigrants a richer picture of Canada’s history, culture, law and politics.

The 63-page guide, Discover Canada, replaced a slimmer volume dating from 1995 that had fewer facts to memorize. The failure rate for the old citizenship test, with questions drawn from the smaller guide, ranged between four and eight per cent.

Failure rates for the new test, however, rocketed to about 30 per cent when it was first introduced — prompting officials to revise the rules to avoid clogging the system with thousands of would-be Canadians who, because they had flunked, often had to plead their cases before busy citizenship judges.

Maybe the exam start becoming a real test for knowing if people are really aware of their new-country.

According to citizens of the old test it was extremely easy and never been considered as a real test.

However it still considered a procedure, to be a ràcitizen is moer than passing a test ;) don't you think so?

Maybe the exam start becoming a real test for knowing if people are really aware of their new-country.

According to citizens of the old test it was extremely easy and never been considered as a real test.

However it still considered a procedure, to be a ràcitizen is moer than passing a test ;) don't you think so?

Kabbi we were lucky......We took the old version of the test .....Fletna...:)
Hi Sidlhaj,

However it still considered a procedure, to be a ràcitizen is moer than passing a test ;) don't you think so?

The real issue though, is the loyalty of new Canadians to this country, adherence to the laws, respect for customs, traditions, and culture, and their commitment to integration and being active. I don't think that this poeple are less loyal than a newborn child in the airplain who had automatically his canadien citizenship (do you remember the child who was born on the Airplain ?)

The test was reviewed for financial reasons I guess, 30 % failing persons that need to repay 200 $.
It's worthy to do so.
Hi Sidlhaj,

The real issue though, is the loyalty of new Canadians to this country, adherence to the laws, respect for customs, traditions, and culture, and their commitment to integration and being active. I don't think that this poeple are less loyal than a newborn child in the airplain who had automatically his canadien citizenship (do you remember the child who was born on the Airplain ?)

The test was reviewed for financial reasons I guess, 30 % failing persons that need to repay 200 $.
It's worthy to do so.

Actually a big chunk of citizenship program was reviewed by the new immigration minister, Jason kenney.
He wanted to give the canadian citizenship "more value", or maybe a different value...
So he started by changing rules after Israel's attack on Lebannon, where a huge numbers of canadian-lebanese that were living there at that time seeked assistance from canadian governement, which visibily annoyed him and Mr Harper.
So now Canadian citizenship cannot be passed directly by filiation to 3rd generation canadians who live abroad.

Later he started asking for manuals for citizenship exams to be changed to reflect a more military Canada; and less green, gay-friendly...etc..Canada.

And so he also he pushed for citizenship tests to be harder.

(he was the one who refused to allow British MP and pro-palestinian George Galloway to come to Canada)
Actually a big chunk of citizenship program was reviewed by the new immigration minister, Jason kenney.
He wanted to give the canadian citizenship "more value", or maybe a different value...
So he started by changing rules after Israel's attack on Lebannon, where a huge numbers of canadian-lebanese that were living there at that time seeked assistance from canadian governement, which visibily annoyed him and Mr Harper.
So now Canadian citizenship cannot be passed directly by filiation to 3rd generation canadians who live abroad.

Later he started asking for manuals for citizenship exams to be changed to reflect a more military Canada; and less green, gay-friendly...etc..Canada.

And so he also he pushed for citizenship tests to be harder.

(he was the one who refused to allow British MP and pro-palestinian George Galloway to come to Canada)


If a canadian-moroccan citizen living in Casablanca gives a birth to a baby. The baby will

get automatically the canadian citizenship. This law was applicable since a long time.

Are you sure if this law has been changed???????????????.


If a canadian-moroccan citizen living in Casablanca gives a birth to a baby. The baby will

get automatically the canadian citizenship. This law was applicable since a long time.

Are you sure if this law has been changed???????????????.


He clairly stated that this peocedure is limited to 3rd generation only.
What do you mean by 3rd generation ?.

The children of immigrant parents (Let's say lebanease), first in a family line to be born in canada. those childs are first generation.
then after years, these new canadian can have a descandence that can be qualified 2nd generation.....etc
If the 2nd or the 3rd generation live abraod the are stil considered as canadian.
The new law abolish the citizenship for the 3rd generation living out of canada.
The children of immigrant parents (Let's say lebanease), first in a family line to be born in canada. those childs are first generation.
then after years, these new canadian can have a descandence that can be qualified 2nd generation.....etc
If the 2nd or the 3rd generation live abraod the are stil considered as canadian.
The new law abolish the citizenship for the 3rd generation living out of canada.

What do you mean by : The new law abolish the citizenship for the 3rd generation living out of canada???.

Where did you read this information?.
I totally agree with you guys !

Somehow I am wondering what will happen if they ask the Canadian citizen (the ones who are born here from a canadian father and mother) to do this new test.

Imagine that they failed the exam ??? :D

what should governement do in such case ?

If a canadian-moroccan citizen living in Casablanca gives a birth to a baby. The baby will

get automatically the canadian citizenship. This law was applicable since a long time.

Are you sure if this law has been changed???????????????.


but if his baby stays in casablanca, then gives birth to a baby himself, the 3rd generation baby won't get citizenship.
here is the main page where it explains the whole law:
and here is the specefic page where it explains the part I told you about:
Tu passes voir un juge pour une entrevue d'une heure et tu doit le convaincre que tu merites de devenir un Canadien.

donc si par la suite t'arrives pas à convaincre ce juge jamais t'auras la nationalité .
et concernant ce nouvel examen !? est c qu'il est difficile vraiment ou bien les gens l'ont pris à la légére et ils n'ont pas bien préparé ?
qu'est ce que vous en pensez ?

Certainement les gens ne préparent pas leur test, ils se croient citoyens après 3ans de siège au Canada :D
Une nationalité ce n'est pas une carte c'est une appartenance aux valeurs du pays.

gal lihome nta dzti nta ma dazti juge
Thank You Sidlhaj. I'll read it ASAP.


Une question aux Maroco canadien du forum

Est ce qu'on vous pose une question embarassante du genre :

1.Etes-vous prêt à servir Le Canada en cas de guerre avec votre pays d'origine :D ?

J'aimerais voir la tête des candidats afghans pour la question de la participation de l'armée canadienne à Kabul lol

pas facil le test hein.
Mais non Don.
On est pas en europe et surtout certains pays qui se croient supérieurs.
Le test est écrit et validé par une commission, leur objectif est avant tout pour la maitrise des valeurs du Canada (qui était toujours pacigique) et une question sur la guerre ne pourra jamais être posée.
Ce n,est pas une assimilation du nouveau arrivant, le multiculturalisme est une valeur incontournable.