Escroquerie à Fès : Une touriste dénonce son agresseur sur les réseaux sociaux et le fait arrêter

Bladi Robot

Je suis un vrai robot!
Les forces de l'ordre de la ville de Fès ont interpellé, cette semaine, un individu présumé impliqué dans une affaire d'extorsion et d'escroquerie ciblant des touristes dans la vielle médina.
L'arrestation fait suite à la diffusion d'une vidéo virale sur les réseaux sociaux où une touriste étrangère dénonçait les agissements du suspect. La nationalité de cette dernière n'a pas été dévoilée.
A lire : Maroc : un taxi de la honte choque une touriste à Agadir
Alertés par la vidéo, les (...)

- Maroc / Fès, Tourisme, Escroquerie, Police marocaine, Direction Générale de la Sûreté Nationale (DGSN)

Escroquerie à Fès : Une touriste dénonce son agresseur sur les réseaux sociaux et le fait arrêter
One time in the Medina of Essaouira I saw these two suspicious characters harassing two tourists ....
They were the kind of guys that look they have seen jail a few times.
There were so many people and nobody said anything ... So I Did.
I took a little risk. I was with my wife and my Little Aya ... They went away ...

I Did It Oops GIF by Rosanna Pansino
You know I did the same in New York. There were these two Balck guys trying to rob
a young white couple. One of the Black guys was holding the white guy by his shirt
with a lit cigarette on his neck .... They were asking the girl to give her purse but
she did not. This was broad daylight with so many people .... It was happening so fast.

So I just yelled "Yo leave them alone. .... "

The two black dudes left the white couple and came back for me .... So now I am trying
hard to calm things down while getting ready to get my ass whipped ... They were Big Guys ....

Saved By The Bell.

But then three other Black guys out of nowhere told the two guys that were about to kick my
ass. "Let's go man. Let's go. We don't need that shit."

The Focked Up Thing.

You know what the Focked Up thing is. The white couple They just left me .... The white girl was brave
enough not to give up her purse ... But the Moroccan guy that just saved their ass ...Well Fock Him ....
Not even a Goddamn Thank You when all was said and done.

Oh No Oops GIF by America's Got Talent

The black guys they were out there to make money .... not kick somebody's ass ... So I Got Lucky. Very Lucky.
Dernière édition:
You know I did the same in New York. There were these two Balck guys trying to rob
a young white couple. One of the Black guys was holding the white guy by his shirt
with a lit cigarette on his neck .... They were asking the girl to give her purse but
she did not. This was broad daylight with so many people .... It was happening so fast.

So I just yelled "Yo leave them alone. .... "

The two black dudes left the white couple and came back for me .... So now I am trying
hard to calm things down while getting ready to get my ass whipped ... They were Big Guys ....

Saved By The Bell.

But then three other Black guys out of nowhere told the two guys that were about to kick my
ass. "Let's go man. Let's go. We don't need that shit."

The Focked Up Thing.

You know what the Focked Up thing is. The white couple They just left me .... The white girl was brave
enough not to give up her purse ... But the Moroccan guy that just saved their ass ...Well Fock Him ....
Not even a Goddamn Thank You when all was said and done.

Oh No Oops GIF by America's Got Talent's Got Talent

The black guys they were out there to make money .... not kick somebody's ass ... So I Got Lucky. Very Lucky.
Wow... you got such a vivd imagination that you should be a screen writer for B movies in Hollywood !
So you are saying this thing in New York did not happen.
Well it did ... The white couple kept walking ... and it was not just
them. There were many other people also that kept walking ....

A lot of Cowards out there .... And I explained that to my Little Aya.

She likes to stay late at night in Downtown Berkeley.

So I told her look "Little Aya. Downtown Berkeley can be dangerous
late at night when it is deserted .... The weekends are worse.
Let me let you on secret little daughter. Even with people around
you are not safe .... People are Scared .... They may not help you."

Now there are some good Samaritans ..... But Don't Bank On It."

Little Aya now knows my New York stories. I tell them to her as needed ...

She also knows the Downtown Berkeley stories ... Like how my ex father
in-law got his ass whipped by some black dudes. They took his money and
they also kicked his ass .... The poor guy just left work late at night.
BTW the criminals know this .... They Are Good ...

This one time in Oakland at night on a rainy day .... I parked
my car in the garage and instead of taking the elevator
I went outside to take the stairs ... It was the fastest
way to get to my apartment ...

So I open the electrical gate and this big guy with a hood
came right at me. So I got nervous and I just kept on walking
and went up the stairs rather quickly and not much happened ...

The next day I found out that so many cars in the garage got broken into ...

You see the big black dude was not interested in me. He scared the shit out of me
by rushing me and then he just walked into the garage before the electrical gate
closed ....

A Goddamn Genius. Don't you think? The Criminal Mind At Work.

This Ain't Casablanca. Or Canada.

Mila Kunis Lol GIF by IFC
So those dudes in New York they were going to rob somebody that day ...
I just opened my big mouth .... They let me be ... And they will find another
set of victims ...

That Day They Wanted MONEY and NOTHING ELSE.

Pay Me Kim Kardashian GIF by GQ
Abdellah from Casablanca loves to tell this New York story to my wife Siham ....

We were both waiting on the train and then this Hispanic guy came running ......
I figured he had done something wrong and so I stuck out my foot like I was
going to trip him .... The guy stopped, looked at us and then started running
again .....

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock