Je trouve que c'est la honte un homme de plus de 30 ans qui ne sait pas cuisiner ni faire le ménage

  • Initiateur de la discussion Initiateur de la discussion Gawaherr
  • Date de début Date de début
A leader has to assume the prosperity of his people.
Otherwise , he's a dictator.
As simple as that.
King or president pfff..
you know very well, or you should know, taht the existence of dictatorships in weak countries is the result of harsh and aggressive policies from the western powers. the gold medal goes to your country !
If you want to fight dictatorships, then don't be hypocritical, because you target wrong. just try to militate where u live or join who did it better than you against your country involvement in the existence and maintenance of these dictatorships. That is the real fight. but you'll don't