Le nouveau WTC et la mafia.


La mafia est en lien avec de nombreux entrepreneurs du nouveau WTC de New-York.

Foreign Affairs, September 2011.

Seven contractors cited for everything from mob ties to tax fraud to fatal accidents are getting a slice of the $16 billion reconstruction at Ground Zero, a Daily News investigation has found. The problem firms are found every day working the bulldozers, cranes, jackhammers and pile drivers rebuilding the site of the World Trade Center.

All of the companies work for the Port Authority, the Dormitory Authority or the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. on taxpayer-funded contracts worth millions of dollars.

The list starts with the John Galt Co., the shell company at the heart of growing investigations into the Aug. 18 fire at the Deutsche Bank tower that killed two firefighters.

Galt has ties to Safeway Environmental, a company with a lousy safety record that has been barred from city work because one of its directors is a reputed mob associate.

The News found six companies with issues:


Last week, a steady convoy of Quadrozzi Concrete's distinctive yellow and orange trucks delivered cement to the Freedom Tower job. Six months before the Sept. 11 attacks, the city Department of Environmental Protection rejected Quadrozzi's request to be an approved city supplier, citing then-owner John Quadrozzi Sr.'s ties to the Luchese crime family and other concerns.

In 2004, Quadrozzi Sr. died and the company was taken over by his son, John Jr., who was owner of an affiliate that refused to answer a subpoena from city investigators vetting a permit application. In October 2004, Quadrozzi Jr. reapplied to the city for approval as a supplier. Last year, Quadrozzi Concrete withdrew the request without explanation. He did not return calls on Friday.

That withdrawal came after the January 2005 indictment of Constatine Quadrozzi, then a vice president of Quadrozzi Concrete. He was charged with dumping toxic waste into Newtown Creek. In June 2006 Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Carolyn Demarest dismissed the indictment. The judge found that although Quadrozzi had knowledge of the illegal dumping, he'd fixed the problem so no further prosecution was necessary.

The district attorney has appealed.


In 2005, PAL Environmental signed a consent order admitting it had illegally disposed of toxic office equipment from the notorious Deutsche Bank tower at 130 Liberty St. For four months in 2004, PAL shredded computers and furniture at the contaminated site without obtaining a permit from the state Department of Environmental Conservation. This meant DEC did not monitor the job.

Instead PAL monitored itself, providing the state with data it said showed no toxins leaked into the neighborhood.


In August 2005, the state DEC dismissed criminal violations against PAL after owner Salvatore DiLorenzo agreed to take "full responsibility" for claims arising from the illegal shredding and paid a $10,000 civil fine.
The Dormitory Authority, which is paying PAL $16.3 million to clean out Fiterman Hall behind 7 World Trade Center, was aware of this violation.

DiLorenzo did not return calls.


The black and white trucks hauling dirt from Ground Zero Wednesday had an unusually un-macho name - Leticia Inc., named after company president Leticia Rojas.

In April 2006, Rojas' husband, Manuel Mier, signed an affidavit promising "for the remainder of my life" to stay out of his wife's trucking business - Leticia Inc. That's because Mier is a felon who pleaded guilty to using Leticia Inc. and other companies in a wide-ranging tax fraud scheme. He was sentenced to a year in jail and owes $523,000 in back taxes and penalties.

In April 2006, Rojas signed an agreement with the city Business Integrity Commission promising to keep her husband out of the company. (Mier is allowed to work for Rojas' real estate company, MEM Realty LLC).

Rojas agreed to hire a special monitor picked by the city to ensure her husband doesn't get a dime. Because of the monitor, the Port Authority allowed her company to work at Ground Zero.

On Friday Rojas said, "Why do you care about this?" and hung up.


Testa Corp.'s bright yellow cranes dominate the southeast end of Ground Zero. In April, Pamela Ciampi, whose family owns Testa, pleaded guilty in Boston Federal Court to dodging $250,000 in federal income taxes. Investigators had seized records from Testa and Ciampi's other firm, PT Corp., both of Lynnfield, Mass., in a probe of sham women- and minority-owned firms.

That followed a July 2005 citation by federal regulators charging Testa with 15 job safety violations after a 190-foot tall steel craneway collapsed during a Testa demolition job, killing two workers.

OSHA slapped Testa with $60,000 in penalties, alleging that Testa did not do an engineering survey to determine the craneway's stability. In July 2005 Testa agreed to a $16,800 settlement.

A Testa executive who would only give his first name, Tim, said the Port Authority was aware of the craneway accident when it was hired.



The firm is an offshoot of Laquila Construction whose owner, Dino Tomassetti Sr., has long-time ties to the mob, the FBI says. Several informants have told the FBI Laquila Construction paid off mob-controlled unions so it could inflate profits by using nonunion help. Tomasetti Sr. pleaded guilty to one count of construction labor fraud in April.

Laquila Group - owned by Dino Tomassetti Jr. - was hired by developer Larry Silverstein to do excavation for the Freedom Tower. The Port Authority took over the job this year.

When investigators discovered Laquila Group was renting equipment from Dino Sr.'s company, a monitor was put in place and Dino Sr. agreed to stay away from the job.

The monitor, Toby Thacher, says the elder Tomassetti donates equipment to his son for the $35 million Freedom Tower job.
Laquila Group executives did not return calls.


Juda Construction has agreements with both Westchester County and the city of New York barring any interaction with a former Juda owner, Joseph Attonito, his son, Thomas, or any of their companies.

Joseph Attonito is a convicted felon. Law enforcement sources have said he was associated with organized crime. His son, Thomas, was convicted of perjury in 2003 for trying to hide from regulators his father's interest in another company, Whitney Trucking.

Juda has no such agreement for its work at Ground Zero, where last week Juda's white dump trucks hauled dirt from the Freedom Tower excavation site.

An employee answering the phone at Juda declined to comment and said owner Nicholas Paniccia was not available.