Looking for a room near Whitechapel Station (London)

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Salamo alaikoum,

I am looking for a flat share near Whitechapel Station (London) starting in next August. Do you have any hints for me? Does anyone of you guys know well this area. Actually I am interested in it because it's close to East London Mosque, and only a few minutes away from the City.

Thanks for your answers

Salamo alaikoum,

I am looking for a flat share near Whitechapel Station (London) starting in next August. Do you have any hints for me? Does anyone of you guys know well this area. Actually I am interested in it because it's close to East London Mosque, and only a few minutes away from the City.

Thanks for your answers


I'm living really closer from this area...and i'm leaving my house in few weeks...so send me a mp and tell me more about your research, how much you can pay for the rent...
Salamo alaikoum,

I am looking for a flat share near Whitechapel Station (London) starting in next August. Do you have any hints for me? Does anyone of you guys know well this area. Actually I am interested in it because it's close to East London Mosque, and only a few minutes away from the City.

Thanks for your answers


alikoum salam
pourquoi ne pas y aller et voir les agences sur place,il y a de forte chance(c'est sur même) que tu trouves le genre de logement que tu recherches...et à des prix raisonnables(zone 2).