Moroccan Berbers seek revival of lost freedom

  • Initiateur de la discussion Initiateur de la discussion Amkhlaw
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DUBAI (Mustapha Ajbaili)

On the five year anniversary of a controversial new family law code, Berber activists say that they have fewer rights and freedoms than they did before Moroccan independence, calling the 2004 code a step backward not forward.

The family code, widely known by its Arabic name Mudawana, was enacted in 2004 to update an existing 46-year old set of laws in a move the government said was aimed at improving gender equality and protecting women’s rights but that activists reject as less stringent than their traditional laws.

" Very significant in the history of Moroccan women, in the sense that they grant equity, justice and dignity to women "
Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The new laws granted women the right to seek divorce and placed strict limitations on polygamy. It also required a husband and a wife to equally divide their assets after divorce and it established punishments to protect women against violence and harassments.

The Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents the changes on its website as “very significant in the history of Moroccan women, in the sense that they grant equity, justice and dignity to women.”

But Amina Bencheikh, member of the Royal Institute for the Amazigh Culture (IRCAM), said the changes in the family law were not significant because “Amazigh customary laws (before they were removed) already guarantee all these rights for women.”

Amazigh women dance face-covered, striking balance between religion and culture

“The Berber tradition is rich, open and far more democratic” in its treatment to women than current government laws, Bencheikh stressed.

Suite et fin :
“The Berber tradition is rich, open and far more democratic” in its treatment to women than current government laws, Bencheikh stressed.

Si le gouvernement ouvrait les yeux sur la richesse culturelle Amazighe que compte le Maroc au lieu de la mépriser, il s'en serait rendu compte... on aurait pu rajouter l'exemple de l'héritage en parts égales chez les Amazighs qui ne font pas de distinction entre l'homme et la femme ! Une tradition qui perdure encore de nos jours...

“What these parties are ignorant about is that religious rhetoric does not resonate much among ordinary Amazigh people,” Bouchtart said, adding that Berbers are more concerned with cultural identity than religion when it comes to politics.

Ahmed Dgherni, leader of the outlawed Amazigh Democratic Party, said the Berbers were “inherently liberal” no matter how religious they appeared.

He described Islam among the Berber as “Islam Populaire,” or popular Islam, adding that the Berbers practice Islam but do not make it part of their politics.

Les Amazighs se seraient-ils enfin réveillés ?

PS : même à Dubaï, ils se sont rendus compte de la supercherie politique marocaine... et pendant ce temps, à Rabat, on fait comme si de rien n'était !
Si le gouvernement ouvrait les yeux sur la richesse culturelle Amazighe que compte le Maroc au lieu de la mépriser, il s'en serait rendu compte... on aurait pu rajouter l'exemple de l'héritage en parts égales chez les Amazighs qui ne font pas de distinction entre l'homme et la femme ! Une tradition qui perdure encore de nos jours...

Les Amazighs se seraient-ils enfin réveillés ?

PS : même à Dubaï, ils se sont rendus compte de la supercherie politique marocaine... et pendant ce temps, à Rabat, on fait comme si de rien n'était !

Le gouvernement le sait tout ça! Mais ça lui brûlerait les lèvres de dire qu'ils utilisent la justice qu'avait décrété le fameux "dahir berbère" 60 ans après, et cela pour TOUT le Maroc!

Une question devrait se poser pour nous là... Qu'est-ce que la "tamazzalt"?
Bien-sûr que les autorités marocaines savent que les traditions berbères sont bien plus modernes que leur moudwana mais le reconnaître signifierait désavouer leur politique d'arabisation forcée et s'ouvrir à la vraie démocratie!!