Le parti pirate canadien (PPCA) vient d'etre constitue et est eligible:
Source: http://www.pirateparty.ca/uncategor...ty-registration-status-aka-good-news-everyone
Maidens and Gentlepirates,
We are pleased to announce that as of April 12, 2010, the Pirate Party of Canada (PPCA) is officially eligible for Party Status.
After ten months of dedication and hard work, we have reached eligible status, which only leaves a 60-day purgatory period. After that, we will field candidates in subsequent federal elections, and begin the real work of a political party.
This day wouldnt have arrived without you, the people of Canada. When we sent out the call for forms, you answered. Boy, did you answer. With the bare minimum of 250 forms being reached in such a short amount of time, we were shocked to see the confirmation forms all in within the space of a month. It goes to show that you, normal Canadians who really run the country, care about what goes on behind the scenes, in the dark, closed board rooms and at the negotiating tables of ACTA, the RIAA, and the CRTC. Youve shown that we arent going to take the indignity of losing technological and cultural rights, so that record labels and big companies can further gouge us.
Source: http://www.pirateparty.ca/uncategor...ty-registration-status-aka-good-news-everyone