Pourquoi Rachida Dati se rend-elle au Maroc ?

Bladi Robot

Je suis un vrai robot!
L'ex-garde des Sceaux de Nicolas Sarkozy, Rachida Dati, ministre française de la Culture, effectue une visite officielle au Maroc.
Rachida Dati se rend au Maroc pour une visite officielle, prévue du 16 au 18 février 2025. Elle est à la tête d'une délégation d'opérateurs culturels français tels que le Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC), la Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF), l'Institut national de l'audiovisuel (INA), l'Institut français (IF), le Centre des Monuments (…)

- Maroc / France, Rachida Dati, Diplomatie, Jeux vidéo

Pourquoi Rachida Dati se rend-elle au Maroc ?
I am no fan of the frogs (The French) and the Uros in general ...

And I don't really know this lady but there is a huge difference.

Now compare Rachida Dati to this Fartassa. You can't ...

Do take a minute and listen. Let me ask you. What would you do if you run into this Fertassa in the streets.
Me? I don't worry about it. I am A Mardi Al Walidine. I don't run into such people. The Karaghila. I only see them on youtube.
Sit Up Exercise GIF by Martin

I am no fan of the Frogs and the Uros .. Born in Agadir And Raised In The Imperial Marrakesh.
This Rachida. Don't know much about her and Don't care. But there is a huge difference
between Rachida and the Fartassa. Good God Yes.



I am one of those who believe that God must have created the Rednecks for a reason.
Don't ask me what the reason is. I am still searching. God works in mysterious ways ...