Rencontrer des personnes d'origine marocaine à londres.

FRA: Salut les gars suis un garçon italien d'origine marocaine qui va vivre à Londres plus tard cette année, puisque je vais laisser toute ma vie en Italie et trasferendomi perdre tous les amis, la vie sociale, la connaissance des lieux, je me demandais si il est possible de savoir nouveau personnes Londra.Ho a créé cet événement pour que les gens comme moi de passer à un nouveau pays ne se sentent pas seuls

ENG:Hi guys am an Italian boy of Moroccan origin who's going to live in London later this year, since I will leave all my life in Italy and trasferendomi lose all friends, social life, knowledge of venues, I was wondering whether it is possible to know new people Londra.Ho created this event so people like me moving to a new country do not feel ALONE.

IT: Salve ragazzi sono un ragazzo italiano di origini marocchine che andra a vivere a Londra a fine anno, dato che lasciero tutta la mia vita in Italia e trasferendomi perderò tutto amici, vita sociale,la conoscenza di locali, mi stavo chiedendo se sia possibili conoscere nuove persone a Londra.Ho creato questo evento cosi persone come me trasferendosi in un paese nuovo non si sentano SOLI.

Take Care every 1.
Hi guys am an Italian boy of Moroccan origin who's going to live in London later this year, since I will leave all my life in Italy and trasferendomi lose all friends, social life, knowledge of venues, I was wondering whether it is possible to know new people Londra.Ho created this event so people like me moving to a new country do not feel ALONE
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Drari semho lia walakin nsha3ellah baghi nemshi l london bash nt3elem mezian l english ana tzet fi bologna walakin asli magribi, bghit nsewel shi wahed ila ikein fi london bash man nebkash only.
pls answer only very interesting


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Drari semho lia walakin nsha3ellah baghi nemshi l london bash nt3elem mezian l english ana tzet fi bologna walakin asli magribi, bghit nsewel shi wahed ila ikein fi london bash man nebkash only.
pls answer only very interesting
Tu vas faire quoi à Londres ?
Si tu vas pour étudier ou bosser tu rencontreras sûrement des gens sur place
don't panik