Sahara marocain : la France franchit un cap

Bladi Robot

Je suis un vrai robot!
Gérard Larcher, président du Sénat français, a annoncé lundi depuis Laâyoune que la France ouvrira un consulat dans le Sahara marocain. Une déclaration qui vient renforcer la position de Paris sur la marocanité du Sahara.
« Le soutien de la France à la souveraineté du Maroc sur son Sahara est non discutable », a déclaré Gérard Larcher après son tête-à-tête avec le président du Conseil royal consultatif des affaires sahariennes (Corcas) à Rabat. Le président du Sénat français a saisi cette (…)

- Maroc / Ambassades et consulats, Sahara Marocain, France, Laayoune, Autonomie Sahara

Sahara marocain : la France franchit un cap
j'ai trouvé une lettre du National salvation front, de la Syrie, dans cette lettre envoyé au nouveau président syrien, on lui demande de remercier le Maroc pour sa position et pour ses aides au peuple syrien, et pour ça il faut reconnaitre le sahara marocain et ouvrir un consulat à Laayoune inchallah

Pièces jointes

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1975: The Karghouli liked his chances ...
1979: The Karghouli started doubting ....
2020: The Karghouli buried his head in the sand ...
2025: The Karghouli can no longer cover the stench ..... He Stinks. One can smell The Fennec In Him miles away.

1975: King Hassan Announced The Green March From The Imperial Marrakesh.

The King Used The Bahia Palace Entrenched In The Old Medina As His Command Center.

Truth This Is True GIF by Ford
King Hassan Spent More Time In The Imperial Marrakesh Than In The Capital. Or So It Appeared.

And Why Wouldn't He?

No Other City Like It In The Region. Centuries Of Greatness. So Many Great Men.

You Know People Love Winners. 1975. The Stakes Were High.
Decisions Had To Be Made. King Hassan Came Through.

And That He Did. In A Big Way ....

I took the final exam (Chahada) in Tanaouiate Ibn Aabad.

The day before the exam, Mama took me to Assidou, a Jewish Moroccan, and got me
new clothes. Ice cream.

A few days later Mama comes to me and tells me. "Son you have done well. Very well. Number One"

Happy Toddlers And Tiaras GIF

She then continued. "Don't tell anyone."

hand hello GIF by MadaGarbea

Do you know who Ibnou Abbad is and where he is buried?

They Call Him Boukharrouba. The Name Says It All.

This Boukharrouba boasted about him being a revolutionary ... And how he had
no problem going to war with King Hassan. Boukharrouba added that King
Hassan was used to the life in the palace and that he, Boukharouba, would hide
in the mountains if needed ...

Apparently that did not impress King Hassan. He Seized Sakiat Al Hamrah
and then grabbed Oued Eddahab. So yes in 1979 King Hassan snatched
Dakhla while Boukharouba was forcing Sister Mauritania to give up any
claim on the Sahara.

I think at that point the Karaghila knew that it was over .... They tried a little
this and that afterwards. The Moroccans secured the territory and built
security berms ....

And With That The Dream To Reach The Atlantic Evaporated.
The Karaghila have been spending a lot of energy just to stay
in the game. They knew that the Atlantic was Long Gone. They
knew it all along. They just wanted to keep on playing.

The Poor Bastards spent a lot of money and energy just to say in the game.
That's some crazy shit, isn't it? Very Redneck Like. Don't you think?

Well We Aim To Please. Karghouli. We Will Play If That Is What You Want. We Are Not Going Anywhere.

But Promise Us One Thing Karghouli. Don't Cry Ok. It Does Not Look Good. People Are Watching.
Dernière édition:
J'ai pris des nouvelles d'Abdelmajid suite à l'annonce, il va bien juste un petit malaise pas d'inquiétudes il sera vite remis sur pied pour la rédaction du 75639836575 communiqué et la libération de Gaza


We Can Play. I Will Tell You What I Tell My Little Adam When I Hear Him Moaning When Playing Virtual Games In Front Of His Computer.

"Son. You Don't Look To Me Like You Are Enjoying Yourself. Step Away. Read A Book. Watch A Movie. ..."

I know my first son is not a Redneck but I feel you the Karghouli The North African Redneck
should try to enjoy the game more and cry and moan less. And please don't try to pretend you
are the victim. Man Up And Just Play The Focking Game.

L’annonce faite par le président du PRI est d’autant plus marquante du fait que c’est cette formation, alors au pouvoir, qui avait acté en 1979 la reconnaissance par le Mexique de la «RASD».
Ya. I Know You Don't Have A Path To Victory. Nothing New. You Have Known It
For A While Now. So Just Play The Game. Enjoy It Karghouli.

Pisst Karghouli. Listen to this New Yorker Of Moroccan Jewish Descent.
Yo. Karghouli. Mad Dog. Did Not Think You Would Be Back.

So What Are We Playing For Today?

We Already Took The House. That was what? 1975.
We Took The Mercedes. 1979? Right?
We Took The Wife. Like 2020?

What You Got?

Yo. Karghouli. Mad Dog. Did Not Think You Would Be Back.

So What Are We Playing For Today?

We Already Took The House. That was what? 1975.
We Took The Mercedes. 1979? Right?
We Took The Wife. Like 2020?

What You Got?

This One Here Is A Classic.

On Se Dirait Chez Madame Bakka. Madama Bakka Est Une Francaise Mariee A Un Marocain. Elle avait un
Jardin d'Enfants pas tres loin de l'ancien Marche de Gueliz. Je vais essayer de trouver cette photo
de Madame Bakka.

Une Photo En Noir Et Blanc.

Le Tout Petit Saint John Et La Blonde Madama Bakka. Une Tres Belle Photo. La Charmante Madame Bakka
A Genous En Train De Dire Quelque Chose Au Petit Saint John. Madame Bakka Portait Une Belle Jupe. Le Petit Saint
John Portait Un Joli Pantanlon Avec Des Carreaux.
Well Let's Keep On Playing.

Sur la question du Sahara occidental, l’Albanie a réaffirmé son soutien au processus onusien et reconnu les efforts du Maroc, considérant l’initiative d’autonomie comme une base sérieuse et crédible de règlement du conflit. Ce positionnement s’inscrit dans une évolution amorcée en 2004, lorsque Tirana avait rompu ses relations avec la «RASD» après l’avoir reconnue sous l’ère communiste en 1987. Ce tournant diplomatique s’était concrétisé en 2015 par un appui officiel à l’intégrité territoriale du Maroc, annoncé depuis Rabat par le chef de la diplomatie albanaise de l’époque, Dimitri Bushati.

...Suite :

Things just did not go your way. Why is that Karghouli?
Bonjour Monsieur Francois Hollande.
Bonjour Monsieur Francois Hollande.
Karghouli. Repete Apres Moi.
Bonjour Monsieur Francois Hollande.
Bonjour Monsieur Francois Hollande.

Hey Karghouli. The Frogs Went Cold Turkey On You.

Don't Sweat It Too Much. The Frogs Had To Make A Choice. They Chose The Winner.
I recommend you pick up the pieces and move on ....

Hope This Helps. But You Do Need To Change Your Ways.

Swimming Against The Currents.

You Know Karghouli. I Was Born In Tagadirt. My Dad Is A Souiri. Tassort. The Atlantic.

Dad is a good swimmer. Me too but as not good as my dad ....

No Thank You GIF by Karen Civil

One day, the
Atlantic was very rough ... The flag was black in Agadir Beach.
Nobody really swimming that day. Except Dada. Well Dad ran into some currents
and had to fight for his life. The lifeguards came but they were late ..... Dad
managed on his own
. I saw a big crowd and I had no idea that Dad was the center
of the attention ....

What happened Dad? The
Currents Son. ... So what did you do? I asked him.

What do you think my dad
The Souiri did? I can tell you this Karghouli
It is not for everyone ..... Nooooo Karghouli. It is not. Could I do it?

Possible. I Did Train For It .....

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