Say’kuk سيكوك is my favorite light Moroccan meal. How about you?

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Say’kuk is light and nourishing meal and when I eat it I don’t feel any stomach pain. I can eat it any time of the day and it is easy to prepare. You don’t believe me!:D

Say’kuk is one of the light meals of Morocco. It is made of medium sized granular barley called in Moroccan Arabic S’midaa El Sha’ir or Bul’bulah بلبولة الشعير. It is like couscous.

The name of this meal is Amazigh and not colonial name “ça aux coqs” or “c’est aux coqs.” this left over for rooster!

In Amazigh we say Azi-kuk أژيكوك means couscous that is watered with butter milk. Humm

How to make it?

Rinse and sieve the quantity of your desired medium sized granular barley twice. Next, cook the essence in a steamer three rounds for about 20 minutes each round. Water and salt each round. It will grow in size, so, don’t make a lot unless you are inviting your friends!!

The other method you could use the microwave and follow the same process.

Serve in a bowl and add to it butter milk. Enjoy :D

وجبة سيكوك هي وجبة من الوجبات الخفيفة بالمغرب. إسم وجبة سيكوك هو من اصل آمازيغي وليس استعماري "اعطي ما تبقى لدجاج " باللغة الفرنسية. ناس الآمازيغ يصفون وجبة صيكوك بكلمة اژيكوك التي تعني الكسكس المبلل بالحليب المحمض أو اللبن.