Ramadan s'oppose au flirt et au sexe avant le mariage. Une jeune femme musulmane lui a demandé: "J'ai un copain. Jusqu'à quel point pouvons-nous aller, sans aller trop loin? Tariq Ramadan lui répondit:"Vous êtes déjà allé trop loin". Dans le livre «Peut-on vivre avec lislam», il écrit, «la fornication et l'adultère sont de très graves choses aux yeux de Dieu». Sur la cassette "La femme musulmane et son devoir d'engagement", il dit, "Ce qui est interdit dans la relation entre les hommes et les femmes, c'est d'être isolés dans un lieu donné. Quand un homme et une femme sont dans une pièce, ils prennent les plus grands risques, de sorte qu'ils ne doivent pas se mettre dans une telle situation. "
Ramadan opposes flirtation and sex before marriage. A young Muslim woman asked him: I have a boyfriend. Until what point can we go, without going too far? Tariq Ramadan answered her, You have already gone too far. In the book « Peut-on vivre avec lislam » he writes, fornication and adultery are very serious things in the eyes of God. On the tape The Muslim woman and her duty of commitment, he says, What is forbidden in the relation between men and women, its to be isolated in a given place. When a man and a woman are in a room, they are taking the biggest risks, so they must not put themselves in such a situation.
Ramadan opposes flirtation and sex before marriage. A young Muslim woman asked him: I have a boyfriend. Until what point can we go, without going too far? Tariq Ramadan answered her, You have already gone too far. In the book « Peut-on vivre avec lislam » he writes, fornication and adultery are very serious things in the eyes of God. On the tape The Muslim woman and her duty of commitment, he says, What is forbidden in the relation between men and women, its to be isolated in a given place. When a man and a woman are in a room, they are taking the biggest risks, so they must not put themselves in such a situation.