willy toledo, un acteur espagnol extremiste

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Cet acteur qui avait soutenu la greviste de la faim Aminatou Haidar, la campeuse, qualifie le dissident cubain Orlando Zapata de delinquent de droit commun.
Je pense qu'il faut arreter avec ces acteurs qui veulent faire de l'humanitaire politique. Cela devient du grand n'importe quoi@!

In March 2010, in a round table in support of Sahara separatist groups, celebrated in Madrid Spain, Mr. Toledo declared that Cuban dissident Orlando Zapata Tamayo, who died after a hunger strike that lasted 86 days and had been recognized as a political prisoner by Amnesty International, was merely a common criminal and not a dissident. He added that "all political prisoners in Cuba were not dissidents but people who had committed terrorist acts against the Cuban Government, acts that constitute treason against the Homeland and a bunch of crimes". He also declared in the same meeting that "the Cuban Government is a victim of a sort of paranoid persecution" by the Western democracies and the international community.[1] He then opined about the Castro regime by saying that «with its defects and virtues, it is a model to be followed in many aspects".