From The Royal Palace. FIFA. Official. The King. The Alaouite. World Cup 2030. Morocco. Spain. Portugal

  • Initiateur de la discussion Initiateur de la discussion saintjohn
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Ibnou Battouta. Al Boughaz. The Atlantic Meets The sea.

I spent some good times in Tangiers.

AST. American School Of Tangiers ....

My senior year. The last semester spend it partying and going to the beach ....

Eric's Burger. Can't believe it is still around ...

Eric's Burger. Can't believe it is still around ...

The 80s. The Good Life.

Oh I forgot to mention. The only place that I know of that serves
Egg Burgers. They were Deliiiiiiicious. Sometimes on the weekend
we used to treat ourselves to these delicious Egg Burgers and then
we buy beer and go drinking in the movie theater just
around the corner .....
Tangiers. The Old Port. Al Boughaz. The Mighty Atlantic. The Sea.

I used to arrive to Tangiers in the afternoon. I would take the train from the Imperial Marrakesh at Midnight.
The train would stop in Casablanca Port Station in the morning hours. Few hours later another
train would take me to Tangiers where I attended the American School Of Tangiers (AST). Yes I arrive
in the afternoon. The old train station was near the old port ...
But That Was The 80s.

Now Tangiers has a new state of the art train station and the old port has been converted to a Leisure Port.

You Betcha Anna Kendrick GIF

Look At It Now. Mohammed VI The Alaouite Has Been Busy.

You Build It. They Come. It Is That Simple.

Dernière édition:

Marrakesh. Marrakesh. Marrakesh. So Many Great Men. So Many Centuries Of Greatness.


I knew this guy's father. He was a teacher .... Little brother knows him well. He played and
coached the Kawkab Of The Imperial Marrakesh. Little brother liked him ....
