Le lion de l 'Atlas, 110 000 Ans. Essaouira.

They Call It The Makhzen. The Alaouites did not invent it.

The Office Lol GIF by NETFLIX
Good Morning Lion Dear.

I was hanging out with an Alaouite from the Imperial Marrakesh.
The address in his passport ....

XXX Alaoui.
Royal Palace. Marrakesh.

Mixed Martial Arts Sport GIF by UFC

This Alouite was a childhood friend of mine. And he went to college here in the US. First Texas. Then California ....

Anyways he surprised me one day ....

"I Envy You Saint John."
"How So Moulay?"

dorothy gale what GIF

"You don't have to deal with a lot of ..... You see during the day I hang out with the little guys .... They all have problems
and they all expect me to help them. ..."

Saint John. "Hummm"

"Nighttime I hangout with the big guys .. They have different problems and they also ask for my help ...."

Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek
Hey. Remember my childhood friend the Alaouite with the passport address

XXX Alaoui.
Royal Palace. Marrakesh.

I always call him to wish him "Happy Eid" but one day I asked:

"Moulay. Tell me. How many sheep do you sacrifice?"
"One. The better question is how many do I buy. Too many. I have to buy for all the people around me. .... "

Aidy Bryant Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
This Year Little Aya Will Spend Eid In The Imperial Marrakesh.

I was talking to a good friend Samir I met in New York from the Imperial Fes.
He is still there. He lives in Queens New York.

"Saint John. I bought a farm ..."
"Nice. So what do you grow on the farm?"
"Nothing. I raise sheep ...."

Sheep Eating GIF

Saint John: "Interesting. Is that a good investment? ...."

Samir. "YA. Every year I sell the whole lot to the Royal Palace."

Not Bad Mcdaag GIF
Lion Dear. The Big Boss. God Bless Him.

Lalla Meriem came and stayed a while in Scarsdale Upsate New York.
She used to walk to her cousin's house a few blocks away and
and would go to the Kitchen where Al Hajja would cook for her some
goodies. Al Hajja was the mother of a friend. She used to cook for us too.
Every Friday she would send her son with a Couscous .... Anyways
Al Hajja and her husband were dispatched by King Hassan to accompany
his nephew ... Al Hajja was a cook in the palace and the husband was a gendarme
also in the palace.

Al Hajja was from the Imperial Fes. A Great Cook ... Very nice lady. We were always on her mind. She made sure we ate well in that Jungle They Call New York.
Lalla Meriem came and stayed a while in Scarsdale Upsate New York.
She used to walk to her cousin's house a few blocks away and
and would go to the Kitchen where Al Hajja would cook for her some
goodies. Al Hajja was the mother of a friend. She used to cook for us too.
Every Friday she would send her son with a Couscous .... Anyways
Al Hajja and her husband were dispatched by King Hassan to accompany
his nephew ... Al Hajja was a cook in the palace and the husband was a gendarme
also in the palace.

Al Hajja was from the Imperial Fes. A Great Cook ... Very nice lady. We were always on her mind. She made sure we ate well in that Jungle They Call New York.

The King Who Restored And Doubled The Atlantic Coast. He Will Always Be My King. Forever Lion Dear.
