Syrie : les djihadistes de l’US-OTAN-Arabie Saoudite lancent une offensive surprise

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Abou Jahl And Oumaya Ben Khalaf. The Bachars Of The Arab Peninsula.

Abou Jahl and The prophet's Companion Saad Ibnou Moaad gets into
a heated argument In Mecca. Oumaya the slave master gets involved.
He was at a loss. Should he support his old friend who is now a Moslem
or should he stick his buddy and ally Abou Jahl? ....The prophet's companion gets
upset and spills the beans to Oumaya.

Saad: "I heard the prophet say you are a dead man."
Oumaya under shock: "In Mecca?"
Saad: "I don't know"
Oumaya : "Ayay?" (Me? Oumaya wanting to make sure Saad was talking about his death and not Abou Jahl's)
Saad: "Yes"

decides to hide and not leave Mecca. He thought this way he would not be killed. A Coward.

Abou Jahl convinces Oumaya to leave Mecca on the Day of Bakr . Oumaya the slave master gets killed
and his ex slave Bilal took care of him during the battle.

And that gives me hope that The Genocidal Bachar would have his day too. I Pray for That.

"Fa wa Lahhi Ma Yakdibo Mohammadon Ida Hadat."

Dernière édition:
Abou Jahl And Oumaya Ben Khalaf. The Bachars Of The Arab Peninsula.

Abou Jahl threatens the prophet's companion Saad Ibnou Moaad. He did not like
seeing him in Mecca by the Kaaba. Saad Ibnou Moaad, all by himself and far
away from Madina, was not impressed.

Saad To Abou Jahl: If you prevent me from doing my pilgrimage and circling the Kaaba, I will do you worse.

A Ma Wallahi La In Manaatani Hada.
La Amnaanaka Ma Howa Acchado Aalaika Min Hada.
Tarikaka Aala Al Madina. (Your Road to Madina)

PS: Trade Caravans would go throug Madina on their way to Syria and Jordan. (Cham)
Dernière édition:
Abou Jahl And Oumaya Ben Khalaf. The Bachars Of The Arab Peninsula.

Oumaya Ben Khalef brought the prophet's companion to the Kaaba which
was declared forbidden to the Prophet and his followers. He sneaked him
in during a time (Khalwa) where there are very few people circling the Kaaba.

The wrong guy shows up. Abou Jahl The Bachar Of The Bachars of the Arab
Peninsula. A heated exchange between Abou Jahl and Saad ensued.

Oumaya intervenes and tells Saad not to raise his voice on Abou Al Hakam nicknamed Abou Jhal
by the prophet Mohammed and the Koran. He tells Saad. "Do not raise your voice on Abou Al Hakam ..."

"Ya Saad. La Tarfaa Sawtaka Aala Abi Al Hakam Fa Inaho Sayeddo Ahli Waadi"

Abou Jahl And Oumaya Ben Khalaf. The Bachars Of The Arab Peninsula.

The Blessed Day Of Badr. The End Of The Bachars Abou Jahl And Oumaya Ben Khalaf.

Abou Jahl The Bachar Of The Bachars
convinces Oumaya The Coward who was in hiding to join him in
going after the prophet and his followers. They Got Killed And It Was Violent And Sweet. They Got What They Deserved.
Abou Jahl was taken by surprise by a couple of young fighters who took him on. That surprised him. He did
not think they would dare. One of the prophet's companions finished him off. He cut off his head, dragged
it on the ground and displayed it to the prophet. And thus fulfilling the prophecy mentioned in the Koran.

Fa Wa Lahhi Ma Yakdibo Mohammadon Ida Hadat

Abou Jahl And Oumaya Ben Khalaf. The Bachars Of The Arab Peninsula.

Saad Ibnou Moaad: "Why Me? Why Do I Have To Make This Decision?
Why Not The Other Companions? Why Not The Prophet?

Saad, who was injured in the Battle of Khandaq, was chosen by the Jewish
Tribe Of Bani Qurayza. The Jews have betrayed the prophet's army and now
find themselves in a very tough spot. The Jews chose Saad to make the decision because he was their ally.

Saad, The Prophet's companion, did make his decision. And it was a very harsh decision
The Jews started crying .... All The Fighters From The Jewish Tribe Of Bani Qurayza Must DIE.
The Prophet looks to his companion Saad and congratulates him on his decision.

Saad Ibnou Moaad Facing Off With Abou Jahl The Bachar Of The Bachars By The Kaaba In Mecca.
The Battle Of Al Khandaq took place later on .....

Fa Wa Lahhi Ma Yakdibo Mohammadon Ida Hadat

Non seulement les islamistes au pouvoir maintenant en Syrie, ont refusé de serrer la main de la Ministre des affaires étrangère allemande, mais en plus les médias syriens ont reçu l'ordre de la flouter pour les photos. La grande démocratie que l'UE et Macron soutiennent !
Abou Jahl And Oumaya Ben Khalaf. The Bachars Of The Arab Peninsula.

I forgot to mention that Abou Jahl was defiant until the very last minute. Abdellah Ibnou Massood, a shepherd
and also the prophet's companion, found him severely injured lying on the ground. Ibnou Massood put his foot on his neck and told
him something along these lines "What now Abou Jahl The Bachar Of The Bachars? Are you feeling ashamed of all the things
you have done."

First Abou Jahal wanted to know who won the battle. Ibnou Massood informed him that the prophet and his followers did.
Abou Jahl started blabering and then belittled Ibnou Massood and told him "My only regret is to be killed by a shepherd".
Ibnou Massood nodded and used Abou Jahl's fancy sword to cut off his head. He then dragged it on the ground and
displayed it to the prophet. The prophet was very pleased as it fulfills the prophecy mentioned in the Koran.

Fa Wa Lahhi Ma Yakdibo Mohammadon Ida Hadat

The Arab Peninsula was famous for its swords and its poetry .... It Still Is.
Dernière édition:
Non seulement les islamistes au pouvoir maintenant en Syrie, ont refusé de serrer la main de la Ministre des affaires étrangère allemande, mais en plus les médias syriens ont reçu l'ordre de la flouter pour les photos. La grande démocratie que l'UE et Macron soutiennent !
En quoi ça te gêne ? Chacun ses valeurs
Abou Jahl And Oumaya Ben Khalaf. The Bachars Of The Arab Peninsula.

Oumaya Ben Khalaf was a slave master. Bilal was one of his slaves and we all know who Bilal is. I hope.
Following Abou Jahl's instructions, Oumaya tortured him. It was brutal. No different than what happened
the Syrians under Bachar or to the Jews under the German Adolf Hilter.

Word came to the prophet and he dispatched Abou Bakr to buy his freedom. So on the day of
the Battle Of Badr, Bilal takes care of Oumaya.

In the video, Saad Ibnou Mooad warns Oumaya that his death was imminent.
He was to be Killed. The prophet said so. There was no escape.

Fa Wa Lahhi Ma Yakdibo Mohammadon Ida Hadat

Bilal is now buried in Damascus. Syria. He had a dream and went back to Madina.

The Return Of Bilal To Madina. Soubhana Lah.

Abou Jahl And Oumaya Ben Khalaf. The Bachars Of The Arab Peninsula.
Elephant Converse GIF

Non seulement les islamistes au pouvoir maintenant en Syrie, ont refusé de serrer la main de la Ministre des affaires étrangère allemande, mais en plus les médias syriens ont reçu l'ordre de la flouter pour les photos. La grande démocratie que l'UE et Macron soutiennent !
Nobody Said It Was Going To Easy. But God Willing It Will Get Done.

Hunting The Bachar Lovers.

سبحان الله في الامس كانت المروحيات تستهدفنا واليوم امتلكناها واصبحت تستهدفهم انا واثق انهم ينضرون اليها بحسرة تلك التي كانت ترعبنا اصبحت ترعبهم. سبحان الله يعز من يشاء ويذل من يشاء
Al Imam Chaffi went to Yemen to learn Al Firassa.

You know one does not need to go to Yemen to learn Al Firassa and be able to tell if a person is an Idiot.
Saint John doesn't need to go to Yemen. YUP I can tell an idiot miles away ....

Taylor Swift Hair Flip GIF by MOODMAN
It is true I don't need to go to Yemen. I drink Yemeni Coffee everyday
and I get to chat with Nabil The Yemenite. And I tell you the Yemeni Coffee. Good Stuff.

Breakfast On Saturday. Nabil Takes Good Care Of Me. Me The Moroccan.


Al Imam Chaffi On His Way Back To Mecca. He Had Spent Three Years Learning Al Firassa.

He Passed His First Test.

Initially he had some doubts. He was happy. The three years he spent in Yemen were NOT a waste of time.

YUP A Lot Of Bachar Lovers Out There. Sons Of Bitches. And Saint John Can Smell Their Stink Miles Away.
Dernière édition:
Nabil The Yemenite tells me Abdel Malek Al Houti controls many mountains
where they grow Coffee beans .... It is just a matter of time.

Nabil The Yemenite Takes Good Care Of Saint John. The Moroccan.
Today I asked him to sprinkle some Feta Cheese on my omelette.

So Good Hot Ones GIF by First We Feast

Nabil Is From Ahli Sounna And So We Pretty Much Agree On Just About Everything.

Dernière édition:
Bachar. The Irani. The Roussi.

Even The Dogs Wanted Them Out. I Can See Now Why The Bachar Lovers
Are Upset. The Lions Were Not So Kind To The Khinzir.

Dernière édition: