when do you get mad at you soulmate?

i commence :

i always get mad at my soulmate when sh'es persistent about a subject above all when she does not master it it gets me nervous and i get mad at her four a day nearly
if she makes me jealous iam mat at her and the reconciliation is for ten days or more cause in love iam very possessive i cannot hold out against jealousy


:D I was told....to keep a marriage healthy, is never to go to bed feeling angry.
Getting mad at your partner for 10 days,or so, I think, won't do anything good to yourr relationship....it will only feeds in to more anger and pain.

ps:comunication is the key;)
:D I was told....to keep a marriage healthy, is never to go to bed feeling angry.
Getting mad at your partner for 10 days,or so, I think, won't do anything good to yourr relationship....it will only feeds in to more anger and pain.

ps:comunication is the key;)
common it goes without saying that communication is the clue nevertheless il may happen that you get mad at your soulmate in other words when do not you feel better subsequently to his or her behaviours ans whar are the behaviors that make you feel anxious ? that's it
Well, I only get mad at him, if he forgets to call me and makes me worry (sounds silly, but it really makes me ANGRY)... I usually don't get mad easily I fully understand that we are different, we have different points of view, so I just wait to hear what he has to say...We don't agree entirely in a lot of things... but I know we are made for each other! I remember now Sid quote from Ice Age (Manny: "referring to Ellie" Hey, you think she's the girl for me? Sid: Oh yeah. She's tons of fun, and you're no fun at all. She... completes you.) Life is tooo short to waste it in pain and anger !!


Doctor ès Bitchology
when he acts like he doesn't care about me, i get mad but i try to act as if there was nothing...in fact, that really bugs me out :fou:

anyway, i don't have this problem anymore now :D