C’est à Israël qu’il faut s’en prendre, pas à la Libye !

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sais tu que signifie le mot injustice??

violation de lois internationales??

Tu as raison.

Mais...definis "lois internationales". Quel paragraphes? Quel tribunal pour en juger? Quelle executive pour les enforcer? Quelle legislative pour les adopter? Ce qu'on appelle "lois internationales" n'est en rien comparable aux lois nationales. C'est plus ou moins un constat du rapport de forces entre Etats, ni plus ni moins. Un Etat comme Israel qui beneficie de la protection inconditionelle d'une superpuissance peut se payer le luxe d'ignorer ces lois. Un Etat comme la Libye sans protection internationale peut avoir raison mais n'obtiendra pas gain de cause, parce que ces lois n'interessent les puissants que lorsqu'elles les arrangent.

Welcome to the reality of Realpolitik... le monde ou le plus fort impose sa volonte. Rien n'a change depuis que nous sommes sortis de cavernes; et les apparances de justice, ONU etc... sont trompeuses.
Tu as raison.

Mais...definis "lois internationales". Quel paragraphes? Quel tribunal pour en juger? Quelle executive pour les enforcer? Quelle legislative pour les adopter? Ce qu'on appelle "lois internationales" n'est en rien comparable aux lois nationales. C'est plus ou moins un constat du rapport de forces entre Etats, ni plus ni moins. Un Etat comme Israel qui beneficie de la protection inconditionelle d'une superpuissance peut se payer le luxe d'ignorer ces lois. Un Etat comme la Libye sans protection internationale peut avoir raison mais n'obtiendra pas gain de cause, parce que ces lois n'interessent les puissants que lorsqu'elles les arrangent.

Welcome to the reality of Realpolitik... le monde ou le plus fort impose sa volonte. Rien n'a change depuis que nous sommes sortis de cavernes; et les apparances de justice, ONU etc... sont trompeuses.
devrais je parler alors de droit de véto qui fait qu Israel est intouchable face aux lois internationales et décisions internationales?

des ex : Goldstone..traité de Genève.........

ou encore ce mur qui continue sa lancée et les colonies!!

la liste est longue.


Dear Sir/Madam

My names are Saif Al Islam Ghadaffi, the son of the present president of Libya. I am contacting you for an urgent assistance. As you can read and see in the media, my family is presently undergoing tough time in the hand of the masses due to his long stay in power as the president of Libya for over 40 years now.

Although there is no way you can satisfy human being, my father has done so many things to better the life of our people unfortunately they never appreciated his effort instead to resulted in calling my family bad names. I have already called the international community, European Union to come down and investigate things instead of taking side without proper investigation as I know that we will be vindicated.

Pls read more: http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/75772...f-al-islam-gaddafi-over-phd-plagiarism-claims

The International community has reached a resolution for immediate seizure of our assets both in US and the UK. Therefore I want to request your humble assistance to help me and receive a total sum of $ $20.5 million US dollars which we have succeeded in moving in cash to one of our Africa coast. You will receive this fund directly and keep in a safe keep while I shall come down to meet you for necessary investment as may be suggested by you. If you are willing to deal with me fill the form and send it to me for more directives of how you will receive the funds into your account.

Your Full Name........................

Your Sex.............................

Your Age..............................

Your Country..........................

Passport / driving license............

Marital Status.........................

Your Occupation.......................

Your Personal Mobile Number...........

Your Personal Fax Number...............

Do note that this transaction is legal and risk free and also the transfer is risk free on both sides hence you will follow my instructions till the fund get to your account. The total sum will be shared as follows: 60% for me, 40% for you and all incidental expenses that may occur during the transfer process will be incurred by both of us. Immediately I receive your details above I will give you the Africa bank contact information then you will present your account to receive this $20.5 Million US dollars into your bank account. I shall await your urgent response and urgently Email me to: saif_islam@sify.com

Read more on this: http://webcache.googleusercontent.c...nt+problem+facing+by+gaddafi+of+libya&ct=clnk

Thanks and regards

Saif Al Islam Ghadaffi