Conflit israélo-palestinien : un cessez-le-feu entre Israël et le Hamas est entré en vigueur à Gaza

  • Initiateur de la discussion Initiateur de la discussion magicnanou
  • Date de début Date de début
Come on now. Be nice. I had just arrived. I do refer to my friend "The New Yorker" as a clown. He went to Pace University.
The other guy came from Penn State. Once I arrived I took care of things. Trust me. :)
At one point my friends nicknamed me the King Of Broadway. My ex whom I met in new York asked me:
"Saint John. How come everyone knows you?" Anyways thanks to her I left that jungle and moved to North Cal.

Vois êtes agaçant avec votre english c'est bon on sait que vous êtes bilingues sa7a 3likoum les Einstein 2.0 :prudent:

Maintenant ce sera en français pleashe, amazigh ou darliga. ThonkSs you very bery mouch.. :mignon:
Come on now. Be nice. I had just arrived. I do refer to my friend "The New Yorker" as a clown. He went to Pace University.
The other guy came from Penn State. Once I arrived I took care of things. Trust me. :)
At one point my friends nicknamed me the King Of Broadway. My ex whom I met in new York asked me:
"Saint John. How come everyone knows you?" Anyways thanks to her I left that jungle and moved to North Cal.
Pace is a circus full of clowns... not a university