my boyfriend is abnormal

  • Initiateur de la discussion Initiateur de la discussion Nana789
  • Date de début Date de début
hello my dear friends

I need all of u to help me to sort this problem out because i am really pissed off and sad: my boyfriend hasn't called me today eventhough I sent him a message yesterday

He always says he doesnt receive messages but last time we were hanging out together and he received a message and replied in front of my eyes !!!!!

So it means that he does receives messages but he doesnt not receive mines ??

why ???

And secondly he said that he has called me many times but he cannot reach me and that my line is always busy .

I changed my phone first then I changed the phone number but he still says that the problems remains

I am so sad because i think he is crazy and he imagines things which do not exist

Who can help me ? and is there any medecine for this ?

thanks a lot

c etrange comment tout le monde s'est mis a parler anglais... :langue:
can tell us abt ur last love experience ??

He was 34. He was afraid from getting married and was so pessimistic about marriage. He doesn't believe in long lasting love. He was surrounded by divorced couples. He used to tell me that his freedom is the most important thing.
I was blinded in my love. But this experience teached me not to trust anyone but my own sense...
i have the samee! !!

Anyway my story is that one day i was deadly in love with somebody and he was like sending me messages and i was always replying back and i was sending him messages and he was sometimes replying me back so i was worried and asking myself is something was wrong with my phone because maybe the server is not functionning correctly so i took my phone to the technic man so he said there is something missing and i went til another city to buy this thing which was missing and i came back to the technic man again and my phone was working right since then and i got all the messages my love was sending me and i was very happpy again so i am wondering if the probleme is just this becuase if it s like this then u dont have to worry and i think he loves u as much as u love him but he will not tell u this because he thinks that u should be obedient because u are the woman in the story, do u see ??

was it a real story???
He was 34. He was afraid from getting married and was so pessimistic about marriage. He doesn't believe in long lasting love. He was surrounded by divorced couples. He used to tell me that his freedom is the most important thing.
I was blinded my love. But this experience teached me not to trust anyone but my own sense...

am sorry to hear that but i think that u should be careful because we have only one heart and we should take care of it