my boyfriend is abnormal

  • Initiateur de la discussion Initiateur de la discussion Nana789
  • Date de début Date de début
hello my dear friends

I need all of u to help me to sort this problem out because i am really pissed off and sad: my boyfriend hasn't called me today eventhough I sent him a message yesterday

He always says he doesnt receive messages but last time we were hanging out together and he received a message and replied in front of my eyes !!!!!

So it means that he does receives messages but he doesnt not receive mines ??

why ???

And secondly he said that he has called me many times but he cannot reach me and that my line is always busy .

I changed my phone first then I changed the phone number but he still says that the problems remains

I am so sad because i think he is crazy and he imagines things which do not exist

Who can help me ? and is there any medecine for this ?

thanks a lot

Oh my god, isn't it?
@ Hi Mrs Hyde !

j'ai appris l'anglais avec Louis de Funes dans " la grande vadrouille "

PS ...son mec un juste un mytho, il voulait juste pas lui répondre ; point barre !

next :D
I don't speak english very well ...

I think that the guy is a lier ...why can every body reach her on the phone and not him ? Why did he say that he doesn't receive messages but she saw him receiving one in front of her ? all those things 'd make me doubt about him...

never mind it s all about practising english
my english is very very bad too so its a good idea to choose a social topic and practise all toguether :)
What d hell is going on here?

anybody want a HoTdOg you call me, got it ?

Nana if u're still reading, your boy is playin with's an old trick, the "your phone is not answering" oh waw..Like you live on Saturn or time he does this, tell him to fak off!