qui rentre au bled?

  • Initiateur de la discussion Initiateur de la discussion cyheme
  • Date de début Date de début
Maroko Essaghira for the Intime people !
i'm not a daughter, i don't have dad and mum :rolleyes:

lah ister :e ek: i didn't say anything ! forget !

yeah don"t eat khmira next time you can say something worse.

i miss watching Maroko she's a strange little girl with a strange life and she looks speciale by looking her when she's unlucky .

she has 20 years old now i think :)
yeah don"t eat khmira next time you can say something worse.

i miss watching Maroko she's a strange little girl with a strange life and she looks speciale by looking her when she's unlucky .

she has 20 years old now i think :)

that's right ! even if she is 20 years old now, she's more strange and special
and always unlucky but so funny and happy :)
no where is the originality here you can see them anywhere at the martial arts clubs or tv but no japanese in a takchita yet .

i must make this dream a realty !

c'est ça :cool:

in my view point, you can make this dream with a software and not necessary in a realty :rolleyes: because the takchita's belt can make the japanese vomit all the sushis
nannnnn :cool:

merci ma poucinette de moi meme!! jpensrai fort a toi quand jirais o souk devant les ptits tu sais quoi bleu!! lol

scuse moi alors :(

merci c'est gentil=)

de rien, tkt, profites en bien.
Et penses à moi quand tu mangeras du bon poulet à "sos poulet".
Tu connais? c un resto pas loin de la grande place là, où ya des concerts sur agadir.
de rien, tkt, profites en bien.
Et penses à moi quand tu mangeras du bon poulet à "sos poulet".
Tu connais? c un resto pas loin de la grande place là, où ya des concerts sur agadir.
mdrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr trop forte!! si jconnais ma3loum :D

@chakib: tu connais?? =D ..... a nan jte parle plus..... sans commentaire
bah j'ai pas aimé chabibou :fo:lol

sans commentaire yallah tiens aussi :langu: !

et jtapel comment depuis ses deux dernieres année???:eek:

ps: bah si ta commenter pff...!