Syrie : les djihadistes de l’US-OTAN-Arabie Saoudite lancent une offensive surprise

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Let;s take this one word at a time. Mootarima

What dies it mean? Are You One Of Us? Or Are You A Frog Lover?
Before you say a word ,remember you are talking to La Karima's First Son.


Regardez ça, le Daily Express crie au monde aujourd'hui : ISIS (une organisation terroriste interdite en Russie) est de retour en Syrie après la chute d'Assad

Comment cela, ISIS ?

Vous nous dites depuis tant d'années que les "forces démocratiques" que l'Occident soutient si activement se battent contre Assad en Syrie !

Et d'où vient tout à coup l'ISIS ?
The Prophet's Cousin On His Way To Syria. Too much rain ... and they see this fading light
and they go there ...

So they saw that faint light and and went toward it. There entered a tent that was in a very bad shape. The residents
were very poor .... The women and the men were only separated by a cloth so the prophet's cousin overheard
the old man's discussion with his wife about serving the only goat they had .... "It is the only goat we have and we need
the milk ....." She said. The old man replied"we have a guest and I suspect the guest is of Bani Hashem .... we will serve him
that goat" And They did.

Al Aaanz ====> Maaza >>>>> Goat.

Marvel Studios Smile GIF by Disney+
The next day after breakfast, Oubaida the prophet's cousin gave all the money
he had on him to the Old man. 500 dirhams. "The old man gave us all he had. (The Goat) We give him all we have."
And then Oubaida from Bani Hashem and his servant continued on to Syria ....

Dernière édition:
So Oubaida The Prophet's cousin on his way back from Syria stopped by
to check on the old man .... The old man was happy to see him and asked
Oubaida from Bani Hashem if could recite some of his poetry he just came
up with .... The old man recites a few verses .... Listen.

Give The Old Man Another 500 Dirhams.

Ya Salam. Ya Salam.

People Die But People Remember Their Good Dees. And Some People Live Like Zombies Walking Among The Living.....
What a week that was ... A great week. First Haleb. Then Hama.
Wa Ma Adraka Ma Homs. Damascus was for The Taking.

The Coward Bachar Ran Away. The Irani and The Roussi could not help the SOB this time around ...

So what now? Now we enjoy and celebrate. Syria is back in the fold. Ahli Sounna. Ya Salam. Ya Salam.

Dernière édition:
The Man said "An egg is just an egg. It will never be a steak. Never. It is a Focking Egg. ...."

The Man was right. A donkey like that Bachar. Himar Ibnou Himar would never be a horse. Never.

Let's Go Back To The Good Old Days. Hassan Ben Tabit The Poet Of The Prophet Mohammed.

"Ya Ilahi Hadihi Al Bidaiat Wa Hadihi A Nihaiat." What is Meant By That? Any Ideas?

So Hassan Ben Tabit Was Not A Fighter. In fact he could not even watch a fight.
Swords and blood forget it. So after embracing Islam, he did not participate
in a single battle. It did not bother the prophet. Not one bit. Ben Tabit used
to have his own Manbar right opposite side of the prophet's Manbar.
Ben Tabit would sit in his Manbar and recite his poetry. Calmer, Sweeter poetry.
Imagine that. Ben Tabit The Bad Boy In The Arab Peninsula tuning down the dial.

Ya Hassan did not fight but he had two brothers who died battling alongside the prophet.

The Story Of Ben Tabit At Age 20 In Syria During Al Jahiliya. Remember He Met The Prophet And Embraced Islam At Age 60.

Hassan Ben Tabit .... There was this souk for the poets back in the day. The poets would
come from all over to the Arab peninsula and try to prove themselves .... .
They came From Yemen .. From Syria and Jordan. (Cham)

Speaking of Yemen. Nabil The Yemenite takes good care of Saint John.
Good Yemeni Coffee
.... Nabil is an active member of this Mosque in Oakland California.
I used to take Little Aya and Little Adam to take Arabic courses in the Mosque ...

Good Coffee From Yemen On A Lazy And Rainy Sunday.


Bachar' General walking like he is the boss under the protection of the Roussi.
Those days are behind us now. Wal Hamdo Lilah ....

A Himar Ibnou Himar Would Never Be A Horse. NEVER. IMPOSSIBLE.
The Bachar Lovers Thought Bachar Was A Horse. They Were Wrong.
He Is Nothing But A Himar Ibnou Himar. And I Am Being Nice To Bachar
And Not So Nice To The Donkey.

Ya so the poor man was so miserable, he repeatedly recited a poem asking if someone
would sell him death. .... He wanted to join his maker ... This man gave him the one Dirham he possessed. ...

God Works In Mysterious Ways.

Things changed. And the desperate man,Al Mohalabi, became well off. That one
man who gave the one dirham was not doing so well and he went looking for
Al Mohalabi .... He wrote on a piece of paper a couple of verses of poetry ...

Al Mohalabi Gave Him 700 Dirhams. Why 700? Listen.

You would think that the Bachar Lovers would dig a hole and hide in it. But
No. Many of them are out there defending The Number One Child Killer In The Ouma.

Anyways The Coward Bachar Is No Horse. More Like A Himar Ibnou Himar. Laanato Allahi Aalayh.

What A Beauty. Good God Gracious.
