Syrie : les djihadistes de l’US-OTAN-Arabie Saoudite lancent une offensive surprise

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You know back in the day some wise people told the Palestinians to cut a deal
with the Israelis. Hassan II was one of them. He is not only the one ....
A deal was possible then .....

But then you had these other guys. They called themselves: Le Front Du Refus :
"... We Will Throw The Jews To The Sea. Down With The Zionists. ......."

Elaine Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

So Where Are We Now? We Are In The Shithole. That's Right.

Does anyone here think the Israelis would sit with the Palestinians and give them a couple square meters ...?

Open Source Nft GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨
I buy coffee from this Yemeni. Nabil. Good Coffee. It is from Yemen.
He does not like the Houtis and he hates the Mollahs ....

I told him Nabil. "Relax man. The Houtis that's over. As to the Mollahs they best keep
a very low profile
and even then they may not survive ..."

Mazbalato Tarikh Is Calling ...

New York Nyc GIF by Storyful
Les craintes des chrétiens semblent fondées...

Plusieurs manifestations ont éclaté dans des quartiers chrétiens de Damas mardi pour protester contre l’incendie d’un sapin de Noël près de Hama, dans le centre de la Syrie, a indiqué un journaliste de l’AFP.

« On réclame les droits des chrétiens », scandaient en choeur les manifestants en marchant dans les rues de Damas, vers le siège du patriarcat orthodoxe, à Bab Charqi.

Affluant spontanément de différents quartiers, ils se sont rassemblés pour exprimer leur mécontentement et leurs craintes plus de deux semaines après la prise du pouvoir par une coalition armée menée par les islamistes ayant destitué Bachar al-Assad.

Le président renversé se posait en protecteur des minorités dans un pays à majorité sunnite.

« On descend car il y a beaucoup de sectarisme, d’injustice contre les chrétiens, sous couvert de +cas isolés+ », a déclaré Georges à l’AFP. « Si on ne nous laisse pas vivre notre foi chrétienne dans notre pays, comme c’était le cas, alors on n’a plus notre place ici », a-t-il ajouté.

Une lumière sur la Syrie​

Pour mieux comprendre ce qui s'est passé en Syrie et surtout pourquoi la Turquie a joué le renversement d'Assad , opposé au pipeline du Qatar, sans régler son "problème kurde" en Syrie.


Syrie : Nouveaux bombardements israéliens en périphérie de Damas

30 décembre 2024ACTUALITÉS
Dix personnes ont été tuées et d’autres blessées, dimanche par des bombardements israélien visant la ville industrielle d’Adra, à la périphérie de Damas, en Syrie, selon des sources locales. Les forces israéliennes ont pris d’assaut sept villes du sud de la Syrie : al-Qunaytra, Ruihinah, Umm Batna, Jubata al-Khashab, Turnedja, al-Hamidiyah et Ufaniyah. L’offensive intervient […]

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Bachar's Chibiha. Abi Chawarib.


Checkout the mustache on this focker. The Jewelry. The fat belly ...
Yes they were pulling him by the Mustache. Kinda like they were pulling Qaddafi by the hair ...

Here is the video ... I take this Chibiha while hoping for Bachar. I want that SOB. I want him badly

It is a tough job finding the Chibiha. The rats are in hiding. It is going to take time.

They got this gangster looking SOB. ... Good Job.
Do you see the tattoos? The Mercedes? ....

You know millions and millions of Palestinians live peacefully in the Hachemite Kingdom. Jordan.
They are now Jordanians ....

Jodie Foster Oscars GIF by The Academy Awards

Palestinian Campground. Bachar's Syria. Le Front Du Refus They Call Themselves. Laanato Allahi Alaihim.

Dernière édition:
Al Golani. May God Help Him And Help Syria.

We are tired of these blabbering pussycats. The likes of Bachar, Qaddafi, Saddam, ...
Naalato Allahi Aalaihim. So much waste .... So many deaths ...
Dernière édition:
The Good Old Days In Syria. So Much History.

Hassan Ben Tabit Was The Most Famous Arab Poet For He Was Nicknamed The Poet Of The Prophet Mohammed.
A Very Talented Poet from a big tribe. A noble. Hassan was an old man when he first met the prophet in Medina.

During Al Jahiliya, Hassan was what you call a Destroyer. His weapons were his words.

The Good Old Days In Syria. So Much History.
Hassan Ben Tabit The Poet Of The Prophet Mohammed.

So yes was a Destroyer. His Weapons Were His Words. When the prophet arrived to Medina, Hassan was curious
and went out to seek the prophet. Some say he was sent by the enemies of the prophet to "destroy" him.

So Hassan Ben Tabit runs into the prophet. He was stunned. "The man is perfect" he said. "No other woman
could bear a child like you
" he tells the prophet. At an old age Hassan became one of the staunchest
defenders of the prophet. He used his poetry to attack anyone who stood against the prophet.

The Good Old Days In Syria. So Much History.

Hassan Ben Tabit The Poet Of The Prophet Mohammed.

Hassan was a bit of a trouble maker. The prophet walked in and the companions (Sahaba)
greeted the prophet sitting down by simply returning the "Salam". Hassan Bent Tabit stood
up to greet the prophet. The prophet tells Ben Tabit "you did not need to get up ...."

Ben Tabit then recites a beautiful and intense short poem basically saying what man would stay seated when you enter ...."

Hassan Ben Tabit The Poet Of The Prophet Mohammed.

Before embracing Islam and during Al Jahilia, Ben Tabit traveled the
Arabic Peninsula, Yemem his origins, Syria, Iraq, ...

Ben Tabit was not a man of the sword. Nope. He stayed out of all that. He never
fought even the tinyest battle. NEVER. He would destroy tribes just using his words. His Poetry.
He was a noble from a very influential tribe and so he was untouchable.

That all changed after he met the prophet. His poetry became more positive, pragmatic, realistic and much less violent .....

Ya Ilahi Hadihi Al Bidaiat Wa Hadihi A Nihaiat.

Bachar Made Them Think He Was A God. Well God Ran Away Like The Rat He Is. Laanato Alaih

The Chibiha are stepping over Bachar's pictures as they hand over the guns ....

Meme Baby GIF
Let's Go Back To The Good Old Days. Hassan Ben Tabit The Poet Of The Prophet Mohammed.

"Ya Ilahi Hadihi Al Bidaiat Wa Hadihi A Nihaiat." What is Meant By That? Any Ideas?

So Hassan Ben Tabit Was Not A Fighter. In fact he could not even watch a fight.
Swords and blood forget it. So after embracing Islam, he did not participate
in a single battle. It did not bother the prophet. Not one bit. Ben Tabit used
to have his own Manbar right opposite side of the prophet's Manbar.
Ben Tabit would sit in his Manbar and recite his poetry. Calmer, Sweeter poetry.
Imagine that. Ben Tabit The Bad Boy In The Arab Peninsula tuning down the dial.

Ya Hassan did not fight but he had two brothers who died battling alongside the prophet.

The Story Of Ben Tabit At Age 20 In Syria During Al Jahiliya. Remember He Met The Prophet And Embraced Islam At Age 60.

Dernière édition:
The Roussi Left An Irani Behind. Now He Is In The Hands Of Ahli Sounna.

Very Intense.

For his sake he better stop mentioning Zaineb. Or maybe they will think he is crazy and ship him back home.

Shannyn Sossamon Cringe GIF
Abou Jahl And Oumaya Ben Khalaf. The Bachars Of The Arab Peninsula.

The Prophet's Companion Saad Ibnou Moaad gets upset and tell Oumaya.
"You don't matter anymore. I heard the prophet say you are a dead man."

Oumaya got scared. He knew his days were over. "Fa wa Lahhi Ma Yakdibo Mohammadon ida hadat." (Mohammed Does Not Lie.)

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