[La phrase qui vous passe par la tête 2023]

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Ça a l'air que je suis l'esclave da partida
Et c’est bien pour ça que c’est toujours hilarant d’entendre des termes typiquement Darija ou autres références culturelles très “niche” comme Aisha Kandisha 😂 venant de personne n’ayant aucun lien avec ça lol

Perso je trouve ça très cool car j’ai rarement vu des non maghrébins (hors France) s’intéresser à la langue et la culture Nord Africaine ☺️

Keep it up !

Bah il y a parfois des gens des gros pays riches qui débarquent dans les pays moins nantis et font vraiment aucun effort pour s'intégrer. Genre ils s'intéressent pas à la langue : ils vont toujours parler anglais. Ils s'intéressent pas non plus aux coutumes, à la société, aux problèmes politiques, à la religion, aux différentes ethnies qui composent le pays...

C'est un peu nul.

Tant qu'à y être, autant qu'ils aillent « s'éfouèrer » sur des plages de la Floride. :D


Magnetic lights in the blue-high haze
Bah il y a parfois des gens des gros pays riches qui débarquent dans les pays moins nantis et font vraiment aucun effort pour s'intégrer. Genre ils s'intéressent pas à la langue : ils vont toujours parler anglais. Ils s'intéressent pas non plus aux coutumes, à la société, aux problèmes politiques, à la religion, aux différentes ethnies qui composent le pays...

C'est un peu nul.

Tant qu'à y être, autant qu'ils aillent « s'éfouèrer » sur des plages de la Floride. :D

Comme les snowbirds québécois qui passent 6 mois de l’année à Cuba au Mexique ou en Floride mais qui parlent pas un mot d’espagnol et qui au Québec s’énervent si tu leurs sort UN anglicisme ? Haha

Je plaisante, mauvaise exemple mais je vois ce que tu veux dire ;)


Life is only livable when it's unpredictable!
Can object be attatched to someone? my philosophical question of the day.

I looked through my scrapbook and found an old letter I had written, I was so naive at that time, I wanted to tell my old self, it was in vain, you spent a lot of energy for something really stupid but was a step to take to mature.


Life is only livable when it's unpredictable!
Hello and I wish u all a great day!

My question for the day : Why do we have shadows, what are they for? what if we didn't have them?


Ça a l'air que je suis l'esclave da partida
Si c'était pas des threads épinglés, ce forum aussi serait floodé par un des tordus. :desole:


Ça a l'air que je suis l'esclave da partida
Hello and I wish u all a great day!

My question for the day : Why do we have shadows, what are they for? what if we didn't have them?

Not everything has a purpose.

Some things are byproducts or side effects of something else aiming at some other end. :)


3la slamtek babouches

Pièces jointes

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Free Kabylie
@Zaheer73 , bon là je vais prendre ma douche lire mes e-mails et manger
Bon bef j'ai pas le temps mais t’inquiètes, une promesse est une promesse
Kargoli va !
J'aillais oublié
je ne suis qu'à la page 47 de tes commentaires et grâce à Dieu à la page N°:1 tu seras à Zéro likes :wazaa:


Si tu n'as pas de pudeur, fais ce qu'il te plait
Si vraiment tu es Marocain, eh ben ça t’apprendra que trahir ton pays pour des likes est une mauvaise affaire, traitre va!
Sinon c'est mon droit de liker ou disliker qui je veux traitre va :claque::claque::claque:
T'as besoin de soins...quand est ce que j'ai trahi mon pays ?

Apportes des preuves si tu es véridique...

Tu m'as pris en grippe quand je t'ai traité d'âne pour avoir confondu le Hamas avec le Hezbollah en ayant affirmer que le Hamas formait le Polisario.
Dernière édition:


Magnetic lights in the blue-high haze
Can object be attatched to someone? my philosophical question of the day.

I looked through my scrapbook and found an old letter I had written, I was so naive at that time, I wanted to tell my old self, it was in vain, you spent a lot of energy for something really stupid but was a step to take to mature.

Oh I feel you 😉

I never had the habit to write things down on paper.

BUT Facebook keeps bringing up old posts from when I was a young buck. Trust me reading my teenage self is soooooo cringe it makes me want to delete my account 😂


Magnetic lights in the blue-high haze
Not necessary.

I think differently; everything has a purpose in life :p

I also disagree 🫢

I don’t think anything has an inherent purpose. I believe purpose is something WE establish.

But what do I know.

As for shadows I would just say : It exists because light and matter exist 🤓

I know, that’s deep lol
Dernière édition:


Magnetic lights in the blue-high haze
Mostly on my own, at least from 2004 on. ;)


I know English because I’ve always enjoyed foreign languages. It’s almost a hobby to me. I think languages are fascinating !

My level in English has always been far superior than the classrooms.

So much so that my teachers gave me separate texts to read while others were getting the normal lessons 😁


Ça a l'air que je suis l'esclave da partida

I know English because I’ve always enjoyed foreign languages. It’s almost a hobby to me. I think languages are fascinating !

My level in English has always been far superior than the classrooms.

So much so that my teachers gave me separate texts to read while others were getting the normal lessons 😁

You rock! :cool:


Life is only livable when it's unpredictable!
Une belle découverte wallahila ! Quelle surprise ! Heureusement qu'on a fb pour découvrir certaines connections ! Je vais me renseigner la prochaine séance. 3la moulana nb9a mfakra 😂


Life is only livable when it's unpredictable!
I also disagree 🫢

I don’t think anything has an inherent purpose. I believe purpose is something WE establish.

But what do I know.

As for shadows I would just say : It exists because light and matter exist 🤓

I know, that’s deep lol
I totally respect your opinion.

If there is no shadows, we couldn't be protected from the heat for exemple . I'm living in a hot country so it's matter for me lol


Life is only livable when it's unpredictable!

I know English because I’ve always enjoyed foreign languages. It’s almost a hobby to me. I think languages are fascinating !

My level in English has always been far superior than the classrooms.

So much so that my teachers gave me separate texts to read while others were getting the normal lessons 😁

Louis Litt Genius GIF by Suits


Life is only livable when it's unpredictable!
Je me suis décidée el hamdolilah pour deux choses, le reste à leur tour 😁🙏


Magnetic lights in the blue-high haze
I totally respect your opinion.

If there is no shadows, we couldn't be protected from the heat for exemple . I'm living in a hot country so it's matter for me lol

Likewise 😊
That’s the purpose we give to shadow. Shadow aren’t an eart thing. It’s on every planet/moon exposed to a source of light 😎

I believe
Ancient Greeks also discovered earth is round thanks to shadow

Bref 🙃

I wish 😂


Magnetic lights in the blue-high haze

I would also like to specify that I am only talking about non living things. When I talk about purpose.

All living creatures have a purpose in the overall function of our world (food chain and natural equilibrium)

Only humans are useless to that whole mechanism.

If anything we only transform and mess everything up to make our lives easy and screw our selves at the same time lol

Maybe that’s our purpose ! f 💩 up
Asides from being here for each other we’re useless.

Hence why we need to determine our own purpose because otherwise our entire existence is just absurd.

Ok jarrete !
Dernière édition:
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