I would also like to specify that I am only talking about non living things. When I talk about purpose.
All living creatures have a purpose in the overall function of our world (food chain and natural equilibrium)
Only humans are useless to that whole mechanism.
If anything we only transform and mess everything up to make our lives easy and screw our selves at the same time lol
Maybe that’s our purpose ! fup
Asides from being here for each other we’re useless.
Hence why we need to determine our own purpose because otherwise our entire existence is just absurd.
Ok jarrete !
For me, inanimate things have their value and therefore they are created for a cause and will fulfill their role. It’s simple, they are useful for us. And I join you for th living creatures.
Humans also have their role; as a Muslim, I believe that we are here to pass a test, worship God and help our neighbor.
But of course the reality is otherwise. Humans from the beginning, they kill, incite war, destroy, invent, and again massacre.
(It's unfortunate especially at this time to see our brothers being killed and no one speaking. We watch children being killed without reacting.)
It is also important for our mental health to know our purpose in life, why we exist and what can we do to exist better?