Salam alaykoum...
La secte des Coranistes bataillent durs dis donc...
J'aimerais connaitre kolargool tes dirassate s'il te plaît, ainsi que shehzad.
"dirassate"? tu veux dire "études"? Pourquoi place-tu des mots en arabe dans un message rédigé entièrement en français? Enfin, bon passons...
J'ignore les études qu'entreprennent ou ont entrepris Kolargool et Shehzad, mais si tu es du style à accepter ce genre d'argument (d'autorité), mon "copain" ci-dessous te satisfera amplement.
Ahmed Sobhy Mansour est un coraniste égyptien exilé aujourd'hui aux USA. Il a été diplômé de l'université d'Al Azhar [avec les honneurs], doctorant avec la plus haute considération reçue pour sa thèse. Il assura, par après, le cours "muslim history" dans cette même université [Al Azhar] et diverses écoles avant d'être viré et poursuivi pour ces idées coranistes contraires au dogme prédominant sunnite. Il est l'auteur de 24 ouvrages [publiés, d'autres ne le sont pas encore lol] et plus de 500 articles.
voici plus d'info:
Summary of Qualifications
* 1969 Graduated Al-Azhar Secondary School, Sharkeya, Egypt. Ranked fourth in country on national university entrance examination
* 1973 B.A., Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt (Muslim History, highest honors)
* 1975 M.A., Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt (Muslim History, honors)
* 1980 Ph.D., Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt (Muslim History, highest honors) (Al-Azhar University is the oldest, largest and most prestigious religious university in the Muslim world. It controls the religious life of the Sunni Muslims around the world.)
Academic Experience
* 1973-80 Assistant Teacher and Lecturer of Muslim History, College of Arabic Language, Al-Azhar University.
* 1980-87 Assistant Professor of Muslim History, College of Arabic Language, Al-Azhar University
* 1981-83 Secretary, History and Civilization Department, Al-Azhar University
* 1984-86 Managing Editor, Principal Spokesman and Lecturer (khateeb),Al-Huda Al-Nabawy (The Guidance of the Prophet), of Dawit Al-Hak (Call for the Truth), Cairo, Egypt ("Al-Huda Al-Nabawy was a religious monthly with a circulation of several thousand moderate Sunnis. During my tenure I provided religious guidance to these persons).
* Because of my unconventional scholarship, Al-Azhar University accused me of being an enemy of Islam. I was tried in its canonical court and expelled March 17, 1987. Seven months later, the Egyptian government imprisoned me for two months.
Experience as Independent Scholar of Islam and human rights Activist
* 1991-92 Collaborated with Farag Foda to establish a new political party in Egypt, Mostakbal (The Future Party), dedicated to a secular democratic state. In June, 1992 Farog Foda was assassinated.
* 1993-present (Founding) Member of the Egyptian Society for Enlightenment
* Secretary General (Executive Officer) from 1993 to 1998 (This Society works to promote tolerance between Muslims and Christians. It provides a monthly forum and publication, Al Tan Weer, to discuss secular issues of mutual concern).
* 1993-2000 Visiting Lecturer and Consultant on Religious and Cultural Affairs for a number of secular, democratic organizations based in Egypt including The International Ibn Khaldoun Society, The Egyptian Society for Enlightenment, The International Religious Brotherhood, The Group for Democracy, The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights
* 1994-96 Member of the Board of Trustees, Egyptian Organization for Human Rights This organization worked to protect Egyptians from human rights offenses of the Mubarak regime and from those of terrorists within the country and abroad.
* 1994-96 Founding Member of and Religion Consultant to the Popular Movement for Confronting Terrorism, Cairo, Egypt (This organization went into the field and provided aid to victims of Muslim fanatics, especially in Upper Egypt).
* 1996-2000 Moderator, Weekly Rewak (Conference), Ibn Khaldoun Center, Cairo, Egypt (The Ibn Khaldoun Center was unique in the Arab World. Its purpose was to advocate and model secular democratic values in the Arab world as well as Iran and Turkey).
* Through research, discussion, and dissemination, this international Center addressed four key areas of concern: religious education reform, the persecution of minorities, democracy and elections, and fanatical fundamentalism. (In June 2000, the Egyptian government shut down the Ibn Khaldoun Center and imprisoned its Director Dr. Saad Eddin)........ect..
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